Rutherglen Reformer

Second jag tops off 90th birthday celebratio­ns


A Rutherglen woman celebrated her 90th birthday by getting her second coronaviru­s vaccine.

Jean McAdam had her birthday in lockdown on March 30 but didn’t let that dampen her spirits as she marked the occasion in the best way possible.

Jean’s family and friends arranged a special day including an afternoon tea, socially distanced birthday well-wishes and a piper.

A member of the Rutherglen United Reformed Church, Jean’s friends dropped by her house to wish her a happy birthday and leave gifts on her doorstep.

Local piper, John Paton, even surprised Jean by making a special appearance and played the bagpipes in her garden.

Jean’s daughter, Lynne, told the Reformer: “Mum had a wonderful day considerin­g a lot of restrictio­ns were still in place.

“Jean would like to thank everyone who came along. This was more than she ever expected during lockdown.”

And to round off her celebratio­ns, Jean headed to Rutherglen Health Centre for her second dose of the Covid vaccine.

Lynne added: “Mum got her second vaccine on the day of her 90th birthday so it really was a day of double celebratio­ns.

“Due to restrictio­ns the family couldn’t do what we had originally planned, but her friends from church, her neighbours and John the piper, made it a special day for her.

“I just think that the fact she turned 90 on the day of her second vaccine is a sign of hope. Hopefully it brightens someone’s day as brighter days are to come.”

And Lynne said: “Mum also had no side effects from the vaccine and she is enjoying her 90th year so far and looks forward to getting back to a more normal way of life as restrictio­ns start to ease.”

I just think that the fact she turned 90 on the day of her second vaccine is a sign of hope

 ??  ?? Fabulous at 90 occasion
Jean McAdam had a special day to mark the
Fabulous at 90 occasion Jean McAdam had a special day to mark the
 ??  ?? Special appearance
John the piper played for Jean in her garden
Special appearance John the piper played for Jean in her garden
 ??  ?? Double celebratio­ns Jean heads off for her second Covid jag
Double celebratio­ns Jean heads off for her second Covid jag

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