Rutherglen Reformer

Jail for thug who beat his ex-partner


A jealous thug who threw a wheelie bin through his ex-lover’s window after beating her up has been jailed for 17 months.

Brian Lowe, 31, turned on his partner at her home in Rutherglen on November 21 last year.

Lowe lashed out after finding the woman with her ex-boyfriend.

He kicked and spat on the victim before going outside and launching the bin through the kitchen window.

Lowe pled guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court, pictured, to assaulting his victim and breaching his bail.

He also admitted behaving in a threatenin­g or abusive manner.

The court heard that the pair split up after a four-week relationsh­ip.

The woman then re-started an earlier relationsh­ip with a former partner.

The couple were at her flat when Lowe burst in and called her a “slag.”

The male made attempts to get Lowe to leave and struggled with him.

Prosecutor Lauren Donnelly said: “During this, Lowe spat in the face of his victim.

“He then kicked her to the face and body.”

Lowe was removed from the property where he continued to act aggressive­ly and smashed a front door panel.

Miss Donnelly added: “As the woman contacted the police, Lowe threw a wheelie bin through the kitchen window.”

Lowe was later traced and arrested.

Sheriff Johanna Johnston QC told him: “You have accepted your guilt for this dreadful behaviour.

“An assault on someone by spitting is the most disgracefu­l assault as it risks transmissi­on and disease.

“It is humiliatin­g to be spat on and that’s why people do it as it’s a cruel act to intimidate another person.”

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