
Coventry Music Museum

East of Coventry’s city centre, on Walsgrave Road, is a typical cluster of small businesses, many of them reflecting the multi-cultural population that helped create a ground-breaking musical movement. Half way along the road is a small, black-painted gat

- Words & Photograph­s: Nik

Nik takes a tour to see what’s going down.

As you enter the museum, your eye is immediatel­y drawn to the right hand wall, where a larger than life replica of the cover of The Selecter’s debut album adorns the wall. Missing the principle character of the sleeve, it affords the visitor a chance to re-enact that famous pose. Venturing on up the narrow alleyway, you notice plaques on the walls commemorat­ing the famous musical artists who emerged from this city. Although it’s best known for celebratin­g the record label which gives the museum its alias, other notables are artists such as Hazel O’Connor,

producer Roger Lomas, and the plethora of smaller artists who emerged from the city during the Sixties and Seventies.

It also takes in the current acts from the area, reflecting the entire history of Coventry music. It’s the large amount of 2-Tone related material which is the main draw though, and this is reflected as you progress. On the right is the celebrated cafe, with its wall sized replica of the ‘This Are 2-Tone’ advertisin­g material which has been signed by many ska luminaries, from members of The Specials, Selecter, Beat and Madness through to many of the current scene.

Opposite is a small music venue, tastefully decorated in black and white checks, with a massive replica of ‘Gangsters’ hanging over your head as you walk in. The room is used regularly to put on gigs by local bands, and often sells out.

All this, and the surprising­ly large memorabili­a shop further along all help to keep the CMM afloat, but aren’t what we’re here for. The museum itself is accessed through a door half way along this courtyard. Walking in, the first thing you see is a stage outfit worn by Roddy ‘Radation’ Byers. Moving slowly through, you find one of the desks used in the video for Rat Race which holds the visitors book, overlooked by a stage costume belonging to the legendary Rico which was used when he shared a stage with Bob Marley. Moving along and you see the expected collection of posters and memorabili­a,

having passed a small booth with musical instrument­s in, where children are encouraged to come and play – the next generation has to start somewhere. A narrow flight of stairs carries you up to the main area. A regularly changing exhibition greets you at the top; when I visited there was a display based around Specials bassist Horace Panter, though this was due to change in December.

Behind you is a complete set of 2-Tone single releases in their original sleeves, along with a selection of the museum’s impressive import collection of variants, and what is believed to be the only reverse printed sleeve of the Gangsters/Selecter debut release, with the two titles switched.

Returning to the main exhibition, a faithfully reproduced teenager’s bedroom of the early Eighties dominates the left hand side, reminding me heavily of my own of that time, but without the hastily concealed magazines and piles of unwashed clothes! A huge collection of 2-Tone memorabili­a comes next, along with a small tribute to Specials drummer John ‘Brad’ Bradbury, who passed away last year.

The rest of the exhibition focuses on other aspects of Coventry’s musical past and present, from their attempt at creating an alternativ­e to Liverpool’s Merseybeat, through the Seventies glam and punk excesses, and on to releases by contempora­ry acts. One item which did catch my eye was a corner dedicated to Delia Derbyshire, the electronic music pioneer who was most famous for her work on one of the longest lasting, and best known TV theme tunes – the classic Doctor Who theme! I bet you didn’t know that had a strong Coventry connection.

Obviously, all the above is liable to regular change as the museum likes to reflect as much of the local scene as possible, and only gives a quick overview of what there is to see, but if you have a love of the ska world, then this is an essential stop.

Many thanks to Pete Chambers BEM and Suky Singh for opening up the museum for my visit, it normally only opening Thursday to Sunday, 10am-4pm, and I could only get there on a Monday… Very much appreciate­d.

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