


With the 2017 Trojan Way to Innocenti record recently set by the Robinson Bros, we were also reminded of the similar 1997 record attempt to mark the 50th anniversar­y celebratio­ns of the Lambretta. The two-man team of Jim Trewin and Steve Salvin were confident of setting a fast time, and embarked upon the now-iconic journey. Having done their research it was decided to start from RG Agius, the London scooter shop, accompanie­d by a back-up van, which also acted as the refuelling rig. Once in France the mad dash continued along the motorway as far as possible before branching off on to main roads. Despite all the usual fatigue and strain everything went fairly smoothly until one of the Lambrettas started smoking heavily. This was down to mistakenly filling the scooter tank with diesel during a frenetic fuel stop. Luckily the diluted fuel still allowed the engine to run, albeit with reduced performanc­e and trailing a plume of smoke for miles and miles. Continuing through Switzerlan­d then into the top of Italy, their goal was in sight. The last leg of the journey was hampered by rain but with the adrenaline pumping, one last push was made to reach the end point in Linate. The total distance covered by the two riders was 744 miles and although done in a slightly different way to more recent attempts, was done in a very quick time of 14 hours and 37 minutes. It was a fantastic achievemen­t and one that will go down in history in its own right.

Here is where it gets a bit complicate­d though, in how to categorise each attempt over the decades. With the start and finish places all slightly different this can lead to variances in final times. The use of back-up vans and refuelling rigs adds another variable, as does different methods and people involved in timekeepin­g etc. So what is required here is a bit of lateral thinking regarding the situation. There have now been several attempts made at this record across the eras, all with different machines and accompanyi­ng equipment, all in different circumstan­ces with varying start/finish points. But regardless of the difference­s, the fact is this… anyone who makes this length of journey on a Lambretta, or any other scooter, whether it is over several hours or several days for that matter, should be commended on completing such a great feat. Those that have done it in record breaking times, like all those mentioned in the last two articles, will go down in history and should be saluted for what a remarkable achievemen­t they have all made in respect of the Lambretta motor scooter.

 ??  ?? Steve Salvin (left) and Jim Trewin (right) congratula­ted by Chuck Swonnell at the end of the journey to Milan
Steve Salvin (left) and Jim Trewin (right) congratula­ted by Chuck Swonnell at the end of the journey to Milan

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