


Name: Stan Club: VCB Scooter: Vespa GTS 300

Rather than put someone else in the firing line I'll give my opinion of the campsite... it was awful.

For the benefit of non-attenders the camp was an old strawberry field that had been dug up and left to go fallow. Recently mown, it was full of thistle stalks, water pipes and holes that were easily capable of swallowing a 10-inch wheel. People were making decisions on riding out based on whether they could move their scooter without causing damage. Social media quickly began the ‘complain and blame’ game but I'd like to put forward another view.

There’s no doubt the campsite fell short, but short of what? For the amount of money we lavish on Italian shopping bikes we could afford a purpose-built German tourer, yet we choose not to. If riding a scooter isn’t about overcoming challenges what is it? The best times are made by people, not by facilities.

Those sniping from the sidelines should remember that most events are organised by amateurs in their spare time. Despite their best efforts things can and do go wrong. There are always more jobs than volunteers so instead of being quick off the mark to complain, step away from the keyboard and get involved.

If asked if the campsite was really that bad, I’d have to answer ‘yes’, but I’d add that it didn’t spoil my weekend – in some ways it made it better.

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