
A lasting impression

Having just completed his ‘father and son’ trilogy Stu was delighted when, by chance, he discovered the detail for his ‘father and daughter’ story...


Having just completed his ‘father ’n’ son’ scooterist trilogy, Stu was delighted to discover this father ’n’ daughter story…

At Kev Walsh’s Bradford Parts Fair in January 2018 we met 14-year-old Elly Phelan who was busy helping her Dad with his ‘jumblers’ stand. The stand in question was run by Bob Phelan of the West Riding Scooter Club (Bradford) who now lives in Bridlingto­n. In between Bob and Elly helping the customers at their stand we were able to spend a few moments with them…

Interestin­g nature

“I got interested in the scooter scene through my dad. He’s had dozens of scooters over the years. I really liked the look of them and I liked the whole image which came along with them,” Elly explained.

Bob Phelan’s been into scootering since the early 80s. He was brought up on the Buttershaw estate in Bradford, and he explained that his interest in scooters started from when he used to see the lads riding round the estate on their scooters.

Bob also used to be a regular visitor to the Buttershaw Youth Club and the Sedburg Youth Club, both of which had music nights with Northern Soul sections in them. “There used to be some lads who came across especially for the northern soul music and their dancing was something else. The whole northern soul music scene encapsulat­ed me and I caught the infection,” said Bob. Since Elly was a little girl, Bob and her mum used to play northern soul music in the house. “I loved it,” Elly said. “And now I regularly go to northern soul nights with my mum and dad.” At the time, Bob’s older brother Shaun owned a scooter and it wasn’t long before Bob went to his first scooter rally, Scarboroug­h, as a teenager in 1981. Later he bought his first scooter, a Lambretta Li150 Series 3, and joined the West Riding Scooter Club.

Forever young

Bob currently rides ‘Forever Young’, which is a custom Vespa PX125 and was inspired when Bob lost his very close friend, Marcus Wilson.

Growing up in Bradford, Bob didn’t live far away from Len’s of Shipley. “I always had a passion for the ‘Len’s Specials’.” Bob explained. “The theme of the Len’s Specials artwork was based on silhouette style and looked fantastic.”

Bob bought the scooter, which he developed into ‘Forever Young’ in 2004 as a general restoratio­n project. Around the same time Bob’s pal Andy McGee was riding a Vespa T5. Towards the end of 2006 Andy passed the T5 over to Bertie Carr for a yellow and purple metal flake paint job, which he got back at the end of 2007. During that time Bob had decided on the theme for his scooter, ‘Forever Young’, which would be in a ‘Len’s Special’ style and he sent it over to Dave Dickinson for the artwork to be completed.

A plan

At that time Andy McGee was living in West Yorkshire and Bob had since moved to Bridlingto­n. In early 2008, Bob and Andy met at Stamford Bridge, North Yorkshire, for an ‘East meets West’ meeting. The two scooters looked fantastic together and the next part of their plan was to ride them

There used to be some lads who came across especially for the Northern Soul music and their dancing was something else.

together to the Scarboroug­h Easter Rally. However; the plan never came to fruition because in the meantime unfortunat­ely Andy decided to sell his T5. “There were no issues, and I always thought Andy’s scooter looked fantastic. I also had a connection to it, and because I knew it so well I knew it would make the perfect scooter for Elly, I just had to track it down,” Bob said.

The T5 kept appearing on auction sites like eBay and Gumtree, Bob kept chasing it but it constantly kept eluding him, until 2014 when Bob’s pal, John Oldfield contacted him out of the blue and said: “It’s on eBay, again. Now!”

Time for action

Bob immediatel­y contacted the seller and told him he’d giving him the asking price. The seller explained that he had someone coming to see it at tea time that day. “It was like Wacky Races!” Bob laughed. “I went straight to the bank, got the cash, got in my van and set off over to Bradford to buy the scooter. In the meantime John went round to stand guard at the fella’s house to fend off any other potential buyers who might arrive before I got there!”

Over the six years, which had passed since Bob had last seen the scooter it’d been through approximat­ely 20 owners and it was in need of some TLC. “When I got it, it wasn’t anything like the last time I’d seen it. It was going to be Elly’s first scooter and I wanted it to be restored back to its former glory.” Bob explained. He carried out

fixes to the areas of mechanical neglect and in the meantime he passed the bodywork over to Dave Dickinson to complete upgrades to the paintwork. Dave managed to find perfect paint matches for the job and made ready it ready for Elly.

A wider knowledge

Although Elly’s only 14 years old she has a good understand­ing of scooters and the workings of a scooter. “My dad’s been a scooter ‘jumbler’ for about eight years and from being about six years old I’ve been going on scooter ‘road trips’ to buy scooters and scooter parts with him,” she said.

“Elly’s the ‘eyes’ on my stall. She’s got a good idea if someone’s genuinely interested in buying a part or a scooter and helps with the sale,” Bob said. “She helps out and does her bit; she’s not a skiver. I don’t have sales targets but if she has a good day then she’ll get a bit extra pocket money,” Bob laughed.


While Elly’s helping Bob out with the scootering side of things she’s also studying hard at school to follow her passion to become a veterinary nurse. It’s fair to say that Elly still has a few years to go before she can ride her T5. Bob explained that his plan for Elly is for her to miss out having a 50cc scooter so she can stay focused on her studies, and for her to complete her CBT when she’s 17 and then start riding the T5. We asked Bob about how he would introduce Elly to the more complex side

of riding a scooter. “I don’t want her starting off on the same road as me, it wouldn’t be a good example!” Bob laughed.

“My plan is for Elly to start riding independen­tly first and then to get used to riding in a group. When she’s confident with that, her first ride out will probably a group ‘ride-out’ or multi-meet. Once she’s familiar with riding in a group I’ll start looking towards her moving onto doing a longer distance ride to a rally and with more riders,” he said.

In the meantime, Elly intends to constantly improve her scooter knowledge by observing Bob’s current scooter builds, going to scooter rallies and events and helping her dad at the parts fairs.

Bob explained that providing Elly with a comprehens­ive understand­ing of scooters is of paramount importance as it will help her with her competence on the open road and keep her riding safe. Elly agreed and added: “I know it’s a while off yet, but I’m hoping that my first scooter rally will be the ‘Cheeky Northern Monkeys’ Rally in 2021!” Words: Stu Smith Photograph­s: Gary Chapman

P.S: We would like to say a personal thank you to Bob and Elly’s pal, Ivan Pinkney, who helped out with the movement and logistics of Bob and Elly’s scooters throughout the day during the photoshoot. Also, a big thank you to Scott and Elaine who allowed us the use of a section of the Forum in Bridlingto­n to complete part of the shoot.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Topteam.
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Blended all round themed artwork.
Blended all round themed artwork.
 ??  ?? Classic T5. Little additions.
Classic T5. Little additions.
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Sidepanel upgrades.
Sidepanel upgrades.
 ??  ?? Bob and Elly at the Bradford Parts Fair.
Bob and Elly at the Bradford Parts Fair.
 ??  ?? Len’sofShipley theme. Eternal memories.
Len’sofShipley theme. Eternal memories.
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Looking great together.
Looking great together.
 ??  ?? Len’s of Shipley original T-shirt.
Len’s of Shipley original T-shirt.

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