


Anyone embarking on a scooter project that requires an abundance of engineerin­g know-how along with specialise­d, bespoke items manufactur­ed as one-offs has two choices open to them. Either, if you possess the prerequisi­te skills and facilities go for it yourself. Alternativ­ely, enlist the services of an expert. Col opted for the latter and Gary Hancox who runs GWH Restoratio­ns is without question a very capable engineer. He has built himself a formidably impressive reputation along with some 30 seriously well-engineered scooters, including one that’s powered by a Honda Silverwing engine.

We managed to grab a quick chat with Gary about his huge input in the creation of Old Blue: “Colin came to me with his idea of a Rossa inspired, 350 YPVS engined Lambretta. One of the inherent problems encountere­d when going for a similar conversion is to not change the angle that the engine is designed to sit at. If it’s not level it goes without saying things such as oil levels will not be as they should. When fabricatin­g the engine cradle I had to cut and slide the pivot so the engine sat as it was intended (in a Yamaha).

“Another dimension that on some similar conversion­s hasn't been adhered to is the wheelbase dimensions from spindle to spindle. Stick to 51 to a maximum of 54 inches and an RD engined Lammy will handle like a dream, anything beyond that can and will adversely affect the handling. I did the entire, initial build of Colin’s Yam-Bretta, including prepping it all ready for painting. Originally the radiator was situated under the legshields, which is where its meant to be located as well as it helps with aerodynami­cs. Colin has since changed the location of the radiator and replaced the fuel tank. I don’t know who put it in his head to move the rad and the tank, still it’s his scooter. When he took it to be set up on the dyno, it was done with the panels off, it should have been done with them on. As I’ve mentioned its Colin’s scooter so what he does with it is up to him, I think how its now set up will concentrat­e maximum heat around the carbs with the panels on, which may cause a few problems will the temperatur­e it runs at.

“When I build a scooter I build them so even a stupid person can take it to bits. I’ve built 30 scooters so far, I love the challenge of building trick scooters.”

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