


Name: Col Barrett Job: Managing clerk of works. Scooter club & town: Lowriders, Dorset. How and when did you first become interested in scooters: Always been around scooters in some form or another but didn’t get interested or own my own until the 90s. Have been on the soul scene forever and as you know both these genres crossover in some form or another, so I guess it’s a matter of natural progressio­n. What was your first scooter: GP 200 with a 240 kit – fantastic scooter but not that rideable. What is your favourite style of custom scooter: Off the wall unique, well engineered, cut downs, street racers, clean slick and fast. First rally or event: Only recently became involved in the rally part of the scene although used to attend regular scooter events in the early 90s while living abroad in Vancouver BC. What’s your funniest experience with a scooter: Leaving the kickstart at home on the Yambretta; needless to say I had to turn around on a limited fuel tank. What do you like about rallies/events: Array of different scooters, people, social side. What’s your favourite Scootering magazine feature: The custom features especially the ones involving water-cooled two-stroke twins! Your favourite custom/featured scooter of all time: I really enjoyed the recent Small Frame Big Heart Vespa RG250 Gamma feature in October 2017... well done Aubrey, Nice. What’s the most useless part you’ve ever bought for one of your scooters: Stainless fork boots!

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