


We thought it only fair to offer the opportunit­y for members of both clubs to have their say, and so we contacted those who we knew to be either well-respected within the scooter community, or those who had been publicly vocalising their opinions on social media the loudest. Rather unsurprisi­ngly, out of the 14 we contacted, when put on the spot and asked to step up and speak, the majority didn’t want to know (keyboard warriors etc). But thankfully four members at least took their club allegiance­s seriously enough to speak up and be heard, here’s what they had to say…

Ady Bowler – BLOC membership number 194 I have been a member of BLOA since April 2018 and have attended all the rallies to date. I have just got back into scooters having not owned one since the late Eighties and fully intended to join LCGB too, but I have been a bit put off by this. I don’t see why one should be any problem to the other? I hate politics and just want to enjoy my hobby.

Gary Seale – LCGB member 1315 BLOA, I’d never even heard of until this furore blew up, it was just a blue badge. I’m old fashioned I guess, if someone does something for me that advances my knowledge or enjoyment I go with it, when someone reduces my enjoyment I rebel. I think reviving BLOA was a good thing. BLOA gave an alternativ­e vision and that must be applauded. Showcasing that to the biggest audience is a good thing. I’m happy with both. Same coin, different faces.

Grahame Fowler – member of both LCGB and BLOC I am a member of both clubs but only participat­e in the LCGB Euro rally. Have no axe to grind with either club and wish both clubs and members a healthy rally year.

Richard Dawson – LCGB Gold Member 61, member since 1981 When I first came across the new club BLOA I was intrigued, great! LCGB have branched out to reignite the forefather to LCGB maybe to bring back the rallies of the past.

But on reading I discovered it had no connection with the LCGB so I was surprised as I thought that BLOA was totally linked to LCGB. I had in the past spoke to Mike Karslake and Kev Walsh about the history that led to the LCGB being formed and later the LCGB being resurrecte­d. I soon realised that the new BLOA seemed to be using this name for its history.

As part of the committee of the resurrecte­d LCGB I had been privy to a lot of the BLOA documentat­ion and fully understood the close link of the two, almost like following your family bloodline. Having read the nonstop verbal battle on social media over the dispute, which to be honest was at times very unpleasant and in my opinion unfair on the present LCGB committee. This committee has brought the LCGB to the fore with an unpreceden­ted number in membership­s and rallies. Far from my days as a committee member, where we battled every month to keep the club afloat. I think this BLOA/BLOC problem has brought to the fore a few issues with the LCGB that maybe the club should get back to some of the early values in the way of what happens on an LCGB event. Rather than it being a mini national rally in style. Although I still love them and they are great value, as is being a member of the LCGB, the membership fee is nothing compared to what you get in return. Far more than what you put in.

I understand the people behind the new BLOA/BLOC were trying to bring something back but what I do not understand is why they would use BLOA which, to me, is wholly a part of the LCGB to do this. They could have used any name and built it up just the way the LCGB has had to do and done so well. I see them using BLOA as a shortcut to popularity rather than building from scratch. It seems very focused on selling products, which is only part of being a club. I am glad that LCGB is trying to conserve our heritage with BLOA and support them fully. Alas, it will cost the club funds but funds I think that are worth spending. I believe the people behind the new BLOA/BLOC have changed a few things. It would be nice and sensible for them to start again using their own identity, including merchandis­e. Then I would wish them good luck.

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