


Name: Garzone and Mastro Genna Scooter club & town: Vespa Club Pavia (Italy) First interest in scooters: When I was 14, and I asked my parents to buy my first scooter. I wanted an old Vespa, but they said it was not safe, and bought me one of those ‘new’ scooters. Only after I started working could I buy my first old Vespa. Favourite scooter model: I am a collector of old Vespas and Lambrettas, I cannot determine which is my favourite scooter... in the end they are all my little girls! Favourite style of custom scooter: I think that what comes closest to me is that of a fine and essential custom, with soft and sinuous shapes that hack back to the most ancient Vespas. I love curvy style, like in women. Favourite rally: My favourite gatherings for sure are: Isle of Wight, where I’ve been twice, and the gathering of SIR on the Island of Elba (but they do not organise that any more). Funniest experience with a scooter: When my friends and I were on a ride in the hills. At one point a car wanted to overtake us on the narroww streets of the hill. Failing to pass, the driver got nervous and began to sound the horn, and to make dangerous moves with the car, risking us all! At that point, after a friend of ours was almost knocked off her totally preserved Vespa, I did not see her in anger: we let the car past, and then I started to chase him at full speed with my Vespa 180 Rally, punching and kicking the car on the run... everything will have lasted about 5km of curves in the hills, then in a straight he managed to escape permanentl­y. Furthest you’ve ever ridden on a scooter: Isle of Wight, or the 1000km Vespa race, which I participat­ed in for four years, and I’m waiting for the fifth edition of 2019! I have also made several long trips, like a tour of the Mediterran­ean islands, and a tour of Italy from north to south... etc.

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