

- Words: Stu Smith Photograph­s: Richie Lunt

Name: Dean Fradley Job: Profession­al musician Scooter club & town: Just ride with mates. When did you first become interested in scooters: From about the age of nine when the mods of 1979/80 were knocking about. First scooter: Lambretta Series 3 LI 125 Special Favourite scooter model: Lambretta TV/GT 200 Favourite style of custom scooter: Original accessorie­s 60s Mod Favourite Scootering Magazine features: The Wembley 9s feature Favourite custom scooter of all time: Darryl Bunker’s Series 2 Li Pirates What part would you most like to see developed for scooters: A carb which doesn’t flood would be a good start.

Name of scooter: ‘Crackley Racer’ Reason: Crackley is the council estate where I’m from originally and it’s where I used to see mods/scooter boys in the late-70s to early-80s. Scooter model: Lambretta Series 1 LI 150 Date purchased: July 2016 Inspiratio­n for project: Iain Wilkins a.k.a. ‘Arfa Francis’ on Facebook and his album page ‘The in Crowd’. Time to build: Just over 12 months. Built by who: Myself. Has the scooter won any show trophies: Won ‘Best Mod Scooter’ Buckingham Palace Scooter Run 2018 Engine: 185 Gran Turismo, which was already done by (Discodez) Nathan and Dez, and is very fast! Paintwork: ‘Farout Paint’, Congleton and then final ideas from Iain Wilkins. What was the hardest part of the project: Sourcing some of the original accessorie­s wasn’t easy. Is there anyone you wish to thank: Iain Wilkins for supplying some of the accessorie­s and his support throughout. Lee Maxey a.k.a. O C Lee for his inspiratio­n on how to keep your scoot immaculate and not missing out any small details. Dave Holford for giving me the original accessorie­s collector’s disease/obsession kinda illness.

which has a Jaguar badge. The original 60s Biemme handlebar tassels support the classic mod look and the accessorie­s embracing the rear of the scooter work in perfect synchronis­ation with each other.

The Rimini Lambretta Pegasus seat is embraced by an Ulma back rest, which also extends along the sides of the seat and the Ulma rear ‘jug-handled’ crash bars lead down over the Nannuci rear mudguard to the rear ‘Florida bars’ and Fiam footboard extensions.

For the time being, Dean’s chosen to keep the side panels off the scooter. You could be forgiven for thinking the removal of the sidepanels would conflict with the classic Mod – look and you’d be right; but that’s the point.

It’s a ‘late-Mod style scooter that reflects the element of non-conformity which existed at that time when kids were looking for different ideas that would make them stand out from the crowd, and it again aligns the appearance of ‘Crackley Racer’ perfectly to the machines of that period.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that taking the sidepanels off a scooter reveals the engine compartmen­t, which can sometimes open up a wide range of unsightly issues. However, Dean’s thought about this, and has kept things neat and tidy without wires or cables hanging out all over the place.

Also, the grey tool box and grey petrol tank complement the grey horncastin­g and grey after-market inner legshield toolbox, which keeps the overall appearance and flow of the theme of the scooter moving. The Ulma rear rack/spare wheel carrier is finished off with a Stoke-on-Trent royal enamel badge, and the parting-shot from Dean’s choice of accessorie­s is a classic Vigano number plate/light surround with a period GB mud flap.


Mod-themed scooters have been with us for more than 50 years, and most of us are victim to the idea they should be dripping with lights and mirrors. With the developmen­t of this scooter Dean and Iain have helped change that stereotype.

Sourcing some of the original accessorie­s wasn’t easy but Dean enjoyed every minute of it, and he’s taken his passion for music and scooters and delivered that in a scooter, which doesn’t conform to the traditiona­l stereotype­s, but blends style, class and looks to perfection.

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Clean as awhistle.
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The final product.
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