
Welcome letter from the editor


A warm welcome to the December edition of Scootering.

Avaccine is coming… yeeha! Literally on the day I wrote this column, it was announced that a Covid vaccine is to be rolled out by Christmas… this must surely be a sign from the scootering gods, yes? Dare I even begin to ponder whether this means that come spring 2021 there will be ‘new hope’ on the horizon, perhaps a buzz of positivity?

Will the old rhythm of the rally scene return? Will the year continue to build to a huge scooter rally-induced crescendo? Who knows, certainly not me, I can but dream. The hope of a vaccine and all that it could bring is so tantalisin­g, that you can’t help but speculate about all the social possibilit­ies which may return, both scooter and non-scooter related, things we took for granted which were previously snatched away from us.

Even though we are still very uncertain as to what the vaccine results will be, what effect it will have, how well it will work, and how soon we can return to ‘normal’… this spark of hope can only be a good thing, there has been far too much doom and gloom already in 2020. I know there is more to come over winter, as they say… it’s gonna get worse before it gets better, but at least now there is light at the end of the tunnel. We have something to grasp on to, a way forward. So while I remain positive on the prospect of social events returning and start to dream of bands playing at venues packed with crowds, event organisers need to work off certainty and fact. Venues need booking, health and safety reviews completing, promotiona­l activities need co-ordinating, bands need booking… and those things require at least some level of certainty. Many organisers are quite rightly cautiously optimistic, and already have these things pencilled in; they are ‘primed for action’, and that (in my opinion) is always the best way forward, strategic planning and cautious optimism. That is also how I operate here at the magazine too, and in my case it’s also peppered with a little anger at what has unfolded this year, so to that I say… f**k 2020, and hello 2021. Is it too soon to say, see you at the bar?

Anyway that’s enough of my ramblings, it’s another belter this month… stay safe and enjoy the issue.

 ??  ?? Looking forward to the good times.
Looking forward to the good times.

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