
Stick together, use your scooter and carry on…

As I write this column, it’s very much with a feeling of déjà vu… we’ve been here before, and we are now in Lockdown 2.0...


If things go as promised, by the time you read this we will be close to the end of this second lockdown period, to try and stem the upward curve of Covid infections. This has certainly been a year that pretty much everyone will want to forget about, I think, but fortunatel­y the rules for this second national lockdown are a little less draconian than the first and we are at least able to do a little more, get out on our scooters, and our kids can go to school!

In the last eight months, for many, the world has changed beyond recognitio­n in terms of what we can and cannot do, as well as where we can even travel to, and who we can travel with. It is very restrictin­g for many, and if you weren’t able to even get a holiday in a relatively short summer period for the annual fortnight away in the sun then you’ll feel very restricted by now, let alone all the rallies we have missed out on this year which is driving us all even more crazy. We have such a lot of uncertaint­y in almost every direction; it can sometimes be very hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. So in these times, our scooters perhaps more than ever are an oasis of pleasure for us… pure escapism, whether it be tinkering in the garage, or out on the open road. It really doesn’t matter whether it’s Lambretta, Vespa, Royal Alloy or anything in between, it can bring you a massive sense of relief from the world’s problems. Whether it is riding, tinkering, cleaning, or totally rebuilding, it matters not… just as long as it helps you to get away from this crazy world, even if just for a little while. That is one of the good things about scooters and scootering, it is a very immersive world that we can easily lose ourselves in. A friend of mine has been furloughed (again); I thought this was bad news, but he has turned a negative into a positive and is going for a ride every single day, so that has to be a silver lining! I’m actually jealous.

There will be very few of our scootering family who have not been touched by the harm that this global pandemic has caused, many people have lost their jobs, with likely many more to come. Although there are a few sectors which have been relatively unaffected, we are all likely to be struggling with the consequenc­es one way or another, or know someone who is. Several of the scooter dealers I have spoken to will be remaining open during lockdown for mail order or collection so please support your scooter dealers as much as you can during this time... I know they will appreciate it. It is generally felt that despite the words of Boris, we may well be in some form or another of restrictio­n, on a repetitive basis, until things are settled with a vaccine etc. So whatever chance you get, I would recommend the therapeuti­c effects of getting into your shed, workshop or garage… doing some tinkering and then going out on the open roads for fresh air and a blast. It’s got to be one of the best things you will do and some time to forget the troubles of the real world.

But in these difficult times we really must stick together within our scootering community and be there for each other as much as we are able. Mental health for many is a real issue, and one that we cannot, and should not, ignore. But in the (often) alpha male masculine world of rufty-tufty scooterist­s there are many who would never admit or reveal how they are feeling or how they are struggling with the world we find ourselves living in. So take a moment to keep in touch with your friends, ask them how they are doing, listen and keep talking to each other. Watch out for the signs of your friends struggling, keep something going in terms of regular contact. Look after each other.

Who knows what 2021 is going to bring, hopefully the vaccine that has just been announced is the key to some better times and a return to ‘normal’…but in the meantime I urge you to keep a positive thought, look after your mates, look after yourselves, look after your scooters and get out for a ride as much as you can. Your scooter will bring you more smiles per mile than anything else so just get out and enjoy... I guess it’s a kind of, Ride Out to Help Out! Stay safe everyone... soon be Christmas :-)

 ??  ?? With a vaccine now on the horizon, will the good times roll again in 2021?
With a vaccine now on the horizon, will the good times roll again in 2021?
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