


Name: Andy Ward.

Scooter club & town: Yorkshire Templar


First interest in scooters: When I was about 10 years old, my sister during the ’79/’80s Mod revival used to play The Jam, and 2 Tone music. Then when I went to high school there was a big scooter and Mod scene and it all went from there.

First scooter: Vespa PK50 (28mph!). First ever rally: Bridlingto­n or Scarboroug­h ’83/’84.

Any funny stories: A while ago there was a group of 20 to 30 of us riding in the Selby area. Three bikers came past us; close and at high speed. Then as we got to the next bend two of the bikers were parked at the side of the road; the other one had come off his bike, having skidded and landed in a deep bog. He was up to his waist with the bike underneath him! Karma.

Favourite rally: Cheeky Monkeys and Kelso because the people are so friendly.

Funniest experience involving scooters: When one of my side panels came off my SX. It hit the road, bounced like a Frisbee and nearly cut my mate Mouse’s head off!

What do you dislike about rallies: Opinionate­d people who go on about how you should get to a rally. I don’t mind what transport anyone uses as long as they’re there and they’re having a good time.

Name of scooter & reason: Quality Street because when I chose the colour all my mates said that it was the same colour as the purple one.

Time to build & by who: Two years on and off, by Keith ‘Guptaspeed’ Wrigleswor­th who had my support and guidance throughout!

Engine spec: Mugello 186, 28mil Dell’Orto, DJ pipe, Yokohama tyres, SIP tubeless rims.

Thanks to: Keith ‘Guptaspeed’ Wrigleswor­th for the build, his time and patience, John ‘The Paint’ Fellows for the paint and Gatch for the pin-striping.

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