


Name: Jan Slosmanis.

Scooter club & town: Grimsby Scooter Club.

First interest in scooters: Friends at school, plus I was a psychobill­y and there has always been a connection between the music and scooters; it became a logical progressio­n.

First scooter: 50 Special – which I never got running.

Favourite style of custom scooter: Don’t mind, any style really… apart from mirror/lamps/Mod type shite (sorry).

First rally or event: Morecambe ’89.

How did you get there: Rode with a Mod from school, on a town-to-town based route, no idea of any actual road numbers, just Grimsby-BriggScunn­y-Doncaster etc. Like many did in those days!

Any stories: Seized my TS1 on the way to Woolacombe, it went into the back-up van to rally, and then we went out in the town on the Saturday. I got absolutely wasted on some drink called Rattler, which up to then I’d never heard of before.

Favourite rally: Exmouth.

Furthest you’ve ever ridden on a scooter: Woolacombe – 340 miles.

What do you like about rallies: Meeting up with friends from around the country, finding new pubs – preferably ones a bit set back from the usual routes. Having a good laugh with club-mates and spending the Saturday afternoon sessions generally ripping the piss out of each other!

Favourite Scootering magazine feature: Tech Torque.

What’s the most useless part you’ve ever bought for one of your scooters: Once bought a T5 frame and after I’d had it blasted, I found it had more holes than a tea strainer! Also, in the past I’ve made the mistake of buying the usual eBay shite made from cheese.

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