Scottish Daily Mail


SATURN is now at the seventh degree of the eighth division of the ecliptic. Astrologer­s work with 12 of these exactly equal divisions. These, in turn, are subdivided into 30 ‘degrees’. each degree is made up of 60 ‘minutes’. Saturn began September at 7 de


ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 EVERY coin, every story, every situation ... what do they all have? Two sides. There is always a pro, always a con. But when you are looking at either one, it somehow becomes almost impossible even to envisage the existence of the other. When someone turns nasty, we instantly forget what they were like when they were being nice. When circumstan­ces prove problemati­c, it seems as if they have always been that way. This week, somehow, you have to break that spell. See the other side — and you will get to the other side! Worried? I’ve recorded a very special message for you. Give me four minutes and I’ll give you the key to your future. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21 ALL it takes is a tense encounter. A grumpy word. A grouchy look. The slightest suspicion that you may have incurred disapprova­l or wandered too far towards trouble. The rest takes care of itself. The anxiety, the stress, the sense that nothing is going to be OK ever again. No effort need be made. Naturally and automatica­lly, a good day becomes a bad day and hope evaporates like a drop of water in warm air. You don’t want that? Then apply the antidote! Hold tight to what you trust this week. Anxious? I’ve recorded a very special message for you. Give me four minutes and I’ll give you the key to your future. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22 THE world’s most creative, inspiring ideas, rarely sound very sensible when they are first proposed. It is all too easy to raise a sceptical eyebrow and find fault with a smart suggestion. Not only do people do this to us, we do it to ourselves. We stop halfway through a sentence and think: ‘Oh, I shouldn’t say that. Someone might think me very silly.’ But surely it is sillier by far to suppress what might prove to be the seed of an excellent solution? Don’t underestim­ate your ability to identify alternativ­es this week. Confused? I’ve recorded a very special message for you. Give me four minutes and I’ll give you the key to your future. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23 WHEN things seem to be going our way, we feel as if we are seeing signs of encouragem­ent from a kindly cosmos. When we come up against problems, it can feel as if we are being remonstrat­ed with by a disapprovi­ng universe. But if the powers that lie behind creation itself can be so far-reaching as to enter our lives in this way, just when we need them to, how come they aren’t also smart enough to send us texts and emails? Be careful not to read too much into a developmen­t. It may be just a coincidenc­e. Uncertain? I’ve recorded a very special message for you. Give me four minutes and I’ll give you the key to your future. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23 DON’T underestim­ate your own power to persuade. You may feel as if nobody is listening to you, but some ears are especially sensitive to all that you have to say. You don’t even need to construct a compelling argument. You command such loyalty that the mere suggestion of a preference on your part is sufficient to inspire a gesture of support. Given all that, it becomes particular­ly important to hope that you are right about a recent decision. Nobody is going to talk you out of it. But that doesn’t automatica­lly mean you are correct. Worried? I’ve recorded a very special message for you. Give me four minutes and I’ll give you the key to your future. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23 NONE of us like to be told the things we don’t especially want to hear. We are particular­ly prone to object if those statements are painfully self-evident and irritating­ly true. Why do some people take such apparent pleasure in pointing out the obvious? Why, when we make mistakes, which are only natural and human, do some seem to want to gloat? This week, a display of tactlessne­ss does not need to become the trigger for an outburst of exasperati­on. Set the right example. Allow everyone to move on gracefully. Anxious? I’ve recorded a very special message for you. Give me four minutes and I’ll give you the key to your future. Call 0906 751 5606. LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23 SOME jobs are much easier than others to ‘put away at the end of the day’. Shop assistants who have clocked off for the night, for example, probably don’t experience an urge to go and serve people every time they pass an empty counter. Whereas a police officer witnessing a bank robbery won’t say: ‘Oh, it is not down to me to prevent this — I am supposed to be having a holiday.’ Yet there are some aspects of our personalit­ies that we never really let go of. This week is somehow all about who the ‘real you’ is. Confused? I’ve recorded a very special message for you. Give me four minutes and I’ll give you the key to your future. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22 NOT everything has to happen in a hurry. Not every need is urgent, not every promise is pressing. Sometimes we worry far too much about deadlines. We put ourselves under unnecessar­y pressure. Unless you now have castiron proof that something won’t wait, let it wait! Indeed, even if it won’t wait, you may care to ask yourself how much it will matter if it is left unattended. Of the various priorities that need to be identified and honoured, the highest is surely your need to maintain a sense of perspectiv­e. Uncertain? I’ve recorded a very special message for you. Give me four minutes and I’ll give you the key to your future. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21 ARE you breathing? When did you last check? A lot can change in a short space of time when it comes to this kind of thing. Perhaps it wouldn’t do any harm to pay the matter a little more attention. OK, we’ve cleared that up nicely, haven’t we? Oh, I see. You think perhaps we ought to check again? This week, you really need to trust that a process is taking place naturally and automatica­lly. You’ve got better things to do with your time and energy than to worry about things that don’t need to be worried about. Worried? I’ve recorded a very special message for you. Give me four minutes and I’ll give you the key to your future. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20 CAUTION often gives us protection. If we consider the consequenc­es of an action in advance, we are much more likely to avoid an undesirabl­e outcome. But when we are too reticent, we can prevent ourselves from making positive progress. Life now offers you an opportunit­y that deserves to be seized. If you spend too long evaluating it, you may miss your moment. Does this oblige you to wrestle with an aspect of your character you have spent many years cultivatin­g? Not really. For it is always sensible to trust your

intuition. Anxious? I’ve recorded a very special message for you. Give me four minutes and I’ll give you the key to your future. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19 MORALITY is not always an infallible indicator of legality. Some activities may seem shockingly unfair and unethical, but it turns out that they are, nonetheles­s, lawful. And there may well be many generous gestures or acts of supreme kindness that could still contravene rules and regulation­s. It is beyond my remit to suggest that it is now more important to honour a moral principle than to be guided by a judicial precedent. If I thought I could get away with saying such a thing to you this week, I just might try it! Confused? I’ve recorded a very special message for you. Give me four minutes and I’ll give you the key to your future. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20 HOW do some people turn into bullies while others end up as victims? It must be something in their demeanour. We may have character traits that somehow send out a subtle signal to suggest that if someone speaks unpleasant­ly to us, we will allow them to get away with it. Others, presumably, exude such an air of inarguable authority that many feel intimidate­d the moment they come into contact with them. Somewhere in your world now tables are turning and a significan­t shift in a balance of power is happening. At last. Uncertain? I’ve recorded a very special message for you. Give me four minutes and I’ll give you the key to your future. Call 0906 751 5612.

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