Scottish Daily Mail




1 Hard boiled sweet (6) 4 Putrefy (2,3) 7 Principal dish of a meal (4,6) 8 Face part (4) 9 Timorous (5) 11 Act of chasing after something (7) 13 Card game (7) 15 Zodiac sign (5) 17 Musical instrument (4) 18 Comic exaggerati­on (10) 20 Light beer (5) 21 Bits (6)


1 Minor difficulty or problem (6) 2 Grain husks (4) 3 Of genes or heredity (7) 4 Phantom (5) 5 Exclude (3) 6 Great fear (5) 7 Looking glass (6) 10 Muslim place of worship (6) 12 Garment type (4,3) 14 Counting frame (6) 15 Of the voice (5) 16 Academy Award (5) 17 Based on fact (4) 19 Floor covering (3)

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