Scottish Daily Mail

Baby P staff sent second torture boy back home

- By Paul Bentley

A TODDLER was sent home to be beaten horrifical­ly by his abusive parents after a series of blunders by social workers from the same council which failed Baby P. The child was twice taken to hospital with more than 50 injuries after being beaten with a belt, a stick and a cable – but both times staff at Haringey Council allowed him to be sent back to be tortured again.

The case, which emerged in a scathing report yesterday, is the latest in a series of failings by the scandal-hit council.

While the child’s life was saved, the case echoes the death of 17-month-old Peter Connelly, whose mother Tracey

‘Individual and systemic failures’

was this week cleared for release after only four years behind bars.

In the more recent case, the boy, Child T, was taken to hospital at least three times over eight months. On one occasion he had more than 50 bruises after being repeatedly beaten up by his Polish parents.

The report, by the Haringey Local Safeguardi­ng Children Board, said: ‘Peter Connelly died three years before the first detected injuries to Child T. It is worrying to find compelling evidence of individual and systemic failures within and between services so soon after that high-profile case.’

Chairman Graham Badman added: ‘Because of failings in the system this child suffered physical abuse that could have been prevented.’

Child T’s injuries were first seen at North Middlesex Hospital in June 2010. He had bruising around his eyes, forehead and nose as well as injuries to his chest and hip area.

After an assessment, the consultant paediatric­ian wrongly faxed a report to Enfield Council. It said when police later visited the home, officers had ‘no concerns’ about the child’s welfare or ‘home conditions’.

In February 2011, police called to the family home noticed Child T was extensivel­y bruised. The next day he was taken by police to hospital where he was found to have more than 50 bruises of varying ages and sizes. He told the doctor he had been hit with a belt and a stick by his stepfather.

Thestepfat­her was sentenced to four years in prison in October 2011 and will be deported. The boy’s mother, referred to as Ms B, is understood to have returned to Poland.

The boy, who is now six, and his three siblings are now in care.

Local MP Lynne Feathersto­ne said: ‘Haringey’s Labour leadership have repeatedly told us lessons had been learnt, and Children’s Services had turned a corner. But this was evidently not true – now another child has paid the price.’

Council leader Claire Kober said: ‘We fully accept the findings and apologise unreserved­ly for the failings set out in the report.’

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Baby P: Failed by Haringey Council
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