Scottish Daily Mail


Dear Jonathan, It seems that more than a few people around me are reuniting with their childhood sweetheart­s. Even people who have travelled far from their home towns are suddenly back and dating their first love. Are the planets responsibl­e for this tren


ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

THERE is a saying: ‘The more things change, the more they stay the same.’ It is whimsical and should not be taken too literally or it might suggest that if we really, desperatel­y, want to maintain the status quo, we should work as hard as possible to challenge it. It might be fairer and more accurate to say that the less things change, the more they appear to stay the same. Progress still happens, but we don’t tend to notice it quite so much. This weekend’s changes, whether big, small, fast or slow, are right for you. i have important news about the big changes due to happen in your life. Your NEW week-ahead forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

JUST think how things might have turned out if only you had done this, instead of that? What mistakes have you made? How much did they cost you? How easily might they have been avoided? The biggest mistake we can ever make is to keep thinking that the past has robbed us. When we do, we simply rob ourselves of our own future! Your future is full of chances to redress old imbalances and compensate for previous disappoint­ments. But you must be in a positive frame of mind to see as much this weekend. i have important news about the big changes due to happen in your life. Your NEW week-ahead forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

SOMETIMES, the cheapest option is also the best. People have been known to spend a lot of money for a difference that doesn’t represent much of an improvemen­t. Sometimes too, though, if you make false economies, the weaker washing-up liquid may cost less but perhaps it doesn’t do as many dishes. And then there are the choices that we can’t make on a sensible practical basis alone, no matter how hard we think or how clever we try to be. What’s right for you this weekend is what feels right. i have important news about the big changes due to happen in your life. Your NEW weekahead forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

THERE are poverty-stricken millionair­es and wealthy paupers. Really and truly, there are! Or at least, there are as long as we apply only a strict financial definition to the idea of affluence. Once we have proper respect for the idea that it is possible to be rich in spirit that statement makes perfect sense. But who wants a life full of kind, gentle, loving sensitivit­y when there are Ferraris to be driven and diamonds to be worn? A-ha! I thought you’d say that. This weekend will bring you the most appropriat­e kind of reward. i have important news about the big changes due to happen in your life. Your NEW weekahead forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

WE ARE never far from what we need and what we need is never very far from us. And if we can’t see this or don’t believe it, it doesn’t necessaril­y do us much good. It is a bit like what happens when you lose your keys. If you convince yourself that they must have fallen out of your pocket while visiting a friend several miles away, you may not even properly investigat­e the places that are much closer to you. Pessimisti­c thoughts can do that kind of thing to us. Don’t let them spoil your weekend. What you need is near. i have important news about the big changes due to happen in your life. Your NEW weekahead forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

ACCORDING to convention­al wisdom, plans should always be made on the basis of available informatio­n. We must gather facts, consider feasibilit­y, contemplat­e drawbacks, then act on the result of all this research. It sounds really smart, doesn’t it? What a shame life isn’t always like that. There are some things we can think about forever. But we will still only be guessing. And the first guess, stemming from a simple hunch, is likely to remain as good as any other. Where logic won’t guide you this weekend, instinct will. i have important news about the big changes due to happen in your life. Your NEW week-ahead forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5606. LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

EACH day this week, I’ve been telling a story. I’ve been encouragin­g you to imagine yourself in a strange situation that has arisen suddenly. What should you do? How should you act? The reality of what you face now may not be quite so mysterious. You probably feel that you know very well how some circumstan­ces have come about. But you still aren’t sure about the best choice to make this weekend. So let us be clear. You need to remain wary of things that you can neither fully control nor understand. i have important news about the big changes due to happen in your life. Your NEW weekahead forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

REMEMBER the prime minister who did a deal with Hitler before the outbreak of World War II? Clutching a piece of paper as he climbed down from his plane, he promised that it meant ‘Peace in our time.’ Ever since, Neville Chamberlai­n’s tale has been a warning on the danger of appeasemen­t. Quite right, too. But an effort to avoid conflict is not always foolish. While it is possible to make one, make one! Further steps, if they need to be taken, can be considered later. This weekend, you need a break. i have important news about the big changes due to happen in your life. Your NEW week-ahead forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

URI GELLER can bend spoons and he’s a Sagittaria­n. So can’t you do it too? Perhaps you don’t believe that Uri can? Uri can’t quite believe it either. His eyes sparkle with excitement every time it happens. He often thinks he must be dreaming! But on this point at least, sceptics and psychics can surely agree. Life is full of things that defy explanatio­n and some of them are rather wonderful. Trust what powers you feel you have this weekend and use them as confidentl­y and wisely as possible. i have important news about the big changes due to happen in your life. Your NEW week-ahead forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

WHEN small children stumble into furniture, parents may indulge them with a little play-acting. ‘Naughty table,’ they say. Or: ‘Bad chair!’ And then they admonish the piece of wood. If it stops the tears, it is a fine thing. But what the adult is really thinking is: ‘I must move that obstacle before this kid does themselves some damage on it.’ That ability — to see beyond the apparent cause of the problem to the true issue that lies beyond it — is what life requires of you this weekend. Be careful where you attribute blame. i have important news about the big changes due to happen in your life. Your NEW weekahead forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

WE HAVE been talking this week, about how space stretches on for ever and time has no beginning. It’s enough to give you a headache. No wonder most people prefer not to talk about it. But it does provide a little perspectiv­e. Compared to all that, what is all this? Nor are these the only topics we find hard to understand and from which we naturally turn away. Life is full of facts we might be better off by making some effort to face. Think, this weekend, about what you prefer not to think about. i have important news about the big changes due to happen in your life. Your NEW week-ahead forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

TV SITCOMS have regular devices for raising a laugh. One sure-fire trick involves getting a character to say: ‘Well, you won’t ever catch me doing that again.’ Some descending musical notes are played and ripples cross the picture to suggest a passage of time. Then we see that same person performing the same action that they have just sworn never to repeat. Why does this raise a laugh? Because we all know that situation only too well. As events this weekend will prove, sometimes it is not only funny; it is apposite. i have important news about the big changes due to happen in your life. Your NEW weekahead forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5612.

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