Scottish Daily Mail

Sorry we didn’t try to save your baby

He died in mum’s arms because NHS medics refused to revive babies born before 23 weeks

- By Andrew Levy

A MOTHER has f i nally received an apology from health chiefs – four years after her premature baby was left to die in her arms by a hospital.

Tracy Godwin was left cradling her ti ny son, Tom, f or 46 minutes until he stopped breathing as staff ignored her desperate pleas for help.

He had been born at 22 weeks, but Miss Godwin was not told that the hospital did not resuscitat­e babies born before 23 weeks. If she had known, she could have gone to another hospital, which might have tried to help her child.

A coroner has now ruled that Southend Hospital in Essex made a series of errors in its care of mother and son.

Poor communicat­ion meant Miss Godwin was not told about the hospital’s policy on resuscitat­ion.

A paediatric­ian should have explained about the 23-week rule before the birth and should have been present after delivery.

An obstetric review should have been carried out when Miss Godwin was admitted. A consultant did not see her until the next day.

She received inadequate counsellin­g following the death of her son.

Miss Godwin, whose relationsh­ip with Tom’s father collapsed after the tragedy, said she was ‘ecstatic’ with the result but added: ‘ It doesn’t bring Tom back.’

‘It has been an incredibly difficult four years since the death of my baby boy in horrendous circumstan­ces,’ she said.

‘I have finally received an apology and the coroner has found that the trust failed in its care of me and my baby. This ordeal has brought about significan­t change at the hospital and the fact that no other mother will go through what I went through is a positive I will cherish.

‘I want mothers-to-be up and down the country to be aware of my case and the fact that each trust has its own guidelines.’

Miss Godwin, 34, of Oldmead, near Southend, was having a normal pregnancy until March 4, 2010, when she developed excruciati­ng stomach pains.

She was put in a private room at Southend Hospital and when staff told her the baby might arrive early she begged them to do everything they could to keep it alive. After three days a midwife broke her

‘We were begging midwives to help’

waters with what Miss Godwin believes was a large pair of scissors and she gave birth to her 1lb son shortly afterwards.

Describing the traumatic experience, she said: ‘They put him in my arms and he cried and was wriggling around. I could feel him breathing and see his eyelashes and toes.

‘But I kept thinking, “Where’s the incubator?” We were begging the midwives to do something to help him but no one was saying anything.

‘He was not stillborn, he was trying to live. If they had tried for an hour and said they couldn’t do anything more for him or he was severely brain-damaged that would have been different but he wasn’t given a chance.’

The i nquest at Chelmsford Coroner’s Court heard that Miss Godwin was not told of the resuscitat­ion policy until six weeks later during a meeting with senior staff.

Coroner Caroline Beasley-Murray last week recorded a verdict of death from natural causes and said failings in the care provided ‘ did not affect the outcome’. Babies born at 22 weeks have about a one per cent chance of survival.

Following her ordeal, Miss Godwin has given birth to a daughter, Isla, at a different hospital. She also arrived prematurel­y, at 24 weeks, but is now a healthy little girl.

Miss Godwin received undisclose­d damages from Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in January. It has since introduced reforms including annual training for staff on procedures.

Chief nurse Sue Hardy said: ‘We again offer our sincere condolence­s to Miss Godwin on the loss of her baby. Since that time we have carried out a great deal of work to improve our internal policy for babies born prematurel­y.’

 ??  ?? ‘He wasn’t given a chance’: Tracy Godwin with an album of her son
‘He wasn’t given a chance’: Tracy Godwin with an album of her son

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