Scottish Daily Mail

Not wanting a European number plate on my Ford doesn’t make me an extremist, Dave


As IT happens, my car number plates are among the millions that already sport the European Union flag, above the letters GB. They came like that when I bought my trusty second-hand Ford Focus 11 years ago, when it was 18 months old.

Though this irritated me for the first couple of days (why should I drive around parading the emblem of an organisati­on I distrust and dislike?), I have to admit I’d long stopped noticing or caring about it.

After all, didn’t we have quite enough to worry about in this wicked world without troubling ourselves to get hot under the collar over a stupid little thing like the design of our licence plates?

such were my thoughts, anyway, until I read yesterday of plans afoot in the European Parliament to impose standardis­ed plates — common colours, national identifica­tion codes, character sizes and fonts — across the whole EU.

If the proposal goes through, gone will be our right to choose a design including the Union Flag or the national flag of England, scotland or Wales. Instead, every EU car owner, from the Atlantic shores of Connemara in the West to the Black sea coast of Bulgaria in the East, will be forced to sport plates approved by Brussels.

And though designs have yet to be drawn up, I’ll stake my ten pounds sterling to your crisis-stricken euro that the chosen plates will look … well, pretty much like mine.

As Tory MEP syed Kamall puts it: ‘You can bet your life the design would incorporat­e the EU flag. Eurocrats have failed to force us to put their symbol on sports shirts or to fly it above public buildings. Now they are trying to make it compulsory on cars.’


Now, I’m not sure that I would go quite as far as the gasket-blowing Mr Kamall, who has reacted as if this were the most heinous plot ever cooked up in the EU’s towers of Babel, branding it ‘idiotic’ and vowing to ‘fight it all the way’.

But the more I’ve thought about it, the more I believe it could be more significan­t than at first it appears. It may even be worth getting angry about — and the thousands who have taken to the internet to vent their fury may well have good reason.

It’s not just that car licence-plate design is one of the few remaining areas in which we can still hold our heads up and say, with absolute confidence, that British is best. Our numbers and letters are exactly the right size in the clearest of fonts — and it makes perfect sense that we have white ones at the front and yellow ones at the back as an aid to seeing which way other cars are pointing.

Just try making out the tiny characters and squiggles on the plates of many a foreign-registered car as it speeds off in the half-light after knocking down your granny.

No, this is not the point — and I would find the European Parliament’s scheme no less sinister if the design it chose to impose on all 27 nations of union happened to be ours.

Nor is my main beef the question of the flag, though this is certainly a large slice of it. Indeed, symbols — whether the flag or the EU anthem — have long played a central part in the European project, as important to Brussels Eurocrats as was the imperial eagle to the Caesars, the hammer and sickle to Lenin or the swastika to Hitler.

The idea, of course, is that the more we see that strangely depressing and dated-looking circle of golden stars on its blue background — whether flying from public buildings, stamped on official documents or emblazoned on our car number plates — the more readily we’ll forget our feelings of nationalit­y and come to think of ourselves as citizens of one great, big, happy European family. All I can say is that it’s not working for me.

But then we’ve long grown used to Brussels’s empire-building ways. What makes this latest move more than usually significan­t is its timing.

This is a moment, after all, when euroscepti­c parties are on the rise across the EU — from the Front National in France, Alternativ­e fur Deutschlan­d in Germany, Golden Dawn in Greece and Jobbik in Hungary to our own dear Ukip here at home.

It is a moment, moreover, when David Cameron has been cornered into promising an in/out referendum on our membership of the club, to be held by the end of 2017 at the latest if the Conservati­ves are returned to power.


This is despite his strong personal preference, which he has made no attempt to conceal, for our remaining in the EU.

You would think that, at a time like this, and with the Euro elections only six weeks away, the Brussels enthusiast­s f or ever closer union might cut the poor fellow some slack.

By that, I mean they might at least make a show of backing off a bit — some tiny little effort to pretend they’re prepared to play along with the Prime Minister’s demand for a renegotiat­ion of Britain’s terms of entry. But not a bit of it. Here they are, charging blindly ahead with their l atest l i ttle wheeze to stamp their supra-national authority on every car number plate in Europe, without offering the slightest acknowledg­ment of the way the wind of public opinion is blowing against their ambitions.

Meanwhile, even Mr Cameron’s close chum Angela Merkel makes it abundantly plain that he hasn’t the remotest chance of securing a single meaningful concession when he pops his head over the fence and asks: ‘Please, Miss, can we have our country’s powers back?’

Friends like these really don’t make his job any simpler for him. But then nor does he make it easy for himself when he patronises and insults those of us who are fed up with travelling down the one-way street to a United states of Europe.

Indeed, I cannot have been the only euroscepti­c who was taken aback yesterday to hear the Prime Minister labelling us ‘extremists’.

Launching his euro-election campaign, he said: ‘Looking at the other parties, there are effectivel­y two extremist camps. One says, “We love the European Union.” The other says, “We hate the European Union.”

‘. . . but in all this there are three words missing. Britain’s. National. Interest. British jobs. British opportunit­ies. British livelihood­s . . . You don’t maximise those interests by walking away from Europe — you get the best for Britain by rolling up your sleeves and fighting for real change in Europe.’


With the greatest respect, Prime Minister, this is just baby talk. You can roll up your sleeves and wave your fists about for all you’re fit.

But if we remain in the EU, you can be absolutely sure that, within my sons’ lifetimes, we’ll be driving on the right, our road signs will show distances in kilometres, we’ll be forced to carry ID cards and we’ll have to take dictation from Brussels on just about every law that governs us.

Whether we like any of this or not, the inescapabl­e truth is that our right to vote will have become meaningles­s. That’s the way the EU works.

As for the economic arguments, all I will say is that the more scaremonge­ring I hear from that treacherou­s little euro-maniac Nick Clegg, the more I’m convinced we’ll be better off out.

But that’s not what matters most to me or to a great many like me. What we care about most is that we should be ruled by a government we have the power to kick out through the ballot box.

so here’s the Utley three-point plan, which I commend to the nation:

step one, vote Ukip in the Euro elections, to show Brussels we mean business.

step two, vote Tory in the General Election, to secure that referendum, from which Mr Cameron has left himself no wriggle room for escape.

step three, when the question is finally asked, vote ‘No’ to the EU and ‘Yes’ to British democracy. And if that makes me an extremist, Mr Cameron, it’s a label I’m proud to wear.

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