Scottish Daily Mail

Osborne firm on Russian forfeits

- From Alex Brummer in Washington

BRITAIN stands ready to support tougher economic and financial sanctions against Russia over the crisis in the Ukraine, the Chancellor has told leading finance ministers. George Osborne’s comments came after a meeting of the Group of Seven advanced economies from which Russia was pointedly excluded and where Ukraine was top of the agenda.

‘Future decisions on sanctions will be taken by Western leaders including the American President,’ Osborne said, noting that the Treasury has the skills and the powers to implement them.

He insisted that any decisions on further sanctions would not be influenced by any potential impact on the City of London.

He said that Britain ‘ was prepared to pay an economic price if it reinforces our view’.

Russian i nvestors have been active in the British property market and the City, where there have been a number of floats of Russianbas­ed enterprise­s.

The UK could potentiall­y be affected should Moscow decide to reduce, cut off or raise the price of energy supplies to Europe as one of the countries furthest from the trans-Ukrainian and European pipelines.

In a communique, the G20 organisati­on of leading finance ministers from the West and emerging markets said last night that it was watching Ukraine and was ‘mindful of any risks to economic and financial stability’.

It noted that the crisis had highlighte­d the IMF’s role as ‘ the world’s first responder to financial crises’. Britain has come under fire in the American media over its apparent soft approach to the Ukrainian crisis because of fears that sanctions against Russia or Russian oligarchs living in London could impact on the City and foreign investment in the UK.

This despite the fact that the US’s own sanctions have been narrowly drawn, targeting a handful of individual­s close to President Vladimir Putin and the Rossiya Bank that caters to the interests of the Russian president’s immediate circle.

‘We are prepared to freeze the assets of a number of Russian individual­s,’ Osborne said.

And he added, ‘ and we are prepared to pay the price of that’ should Moscow retaliate.

The I MF board is s hortly expected to approve a broad-based $14-$18bn package of assistance to Ukraine designed to prop up the country’s fragile economy in the face of recent violence and the Russian takeover of Crimea.

IMF managing director Christine Lagarde noted this week that ‘there has been encouragin­g, very broad based support from all corners of the Board of the IMF’ for the support package.

When the package is signed off it is expected to include funding from the World Bank for budget support and the European Bank for Reconstruc­tion & Developmen­t.

Osborne said yesterday that he expected it to include bilateral contributi­ons from the Americans and the European Union. If the crisis in Ukraine were to spread to other countries in the Baltics and Eastern Europe, i t could potentiall­y pose a strain on IMF resources which have already been stretched by the economic crisis across euroland.

The G20 said that it was ‘deeply disappoint­ed’ with the lack of progress i n strengthen­ing the Fund’s capital, which is being held up by Republican opposition in the US Congress. US political experts say it is unlikely that the deadlock will be broken ahead of November’s Congressio­nal elections.

In a private meeting in Washington, US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew warned the Russian finance minister Anton Siluanov that the White House was prepared to impose ‘additional significan­t sanctions’ if the crisis in the region should escalate.

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