Scottish Daily Mail

Why this boy’s haircut is too cool for school

- Daily Mail Reporter

WHEN Regan Bradley’s parents sent him to school with a short back and sides, they thought he looked smart.

So they were then stunned to receive a letter from the headteache­r demanding the seven-year-old’s hair be cut – and threatenin­g an ‘escalation of sanctions’ if they did not comply.

His mother Kelly Boulton is on the brink of removing Regan from the school, after the row has dragged on for over a month.

The 28-year-old beautician said: ‘It’s just a normal hair cut. [Headteache­r] Julie Miles is saying his hair doesn’t comply with policy. But I don’t understand why and we’re not cutting it. It’s becoming so bad, I’m thinking of taking him out.’

She has also been warned they face a meeting with the school governors.

The rules at St Brigid’s RC primary school in Manchester dictate that hair may not be styled with ‘tramlines’ – lines shaved along the side of the head – mohicans, gel or anything ‘distractin­g’.

But Regan has been given a close crop on the sides with a neat comb-over on the top – a style that wasn’t uncommon in the much stricter schools of the 1950s.

His father Peter said: ‘They are saying it needs to be the same length all over, but that’s a bowl cut and we’re not doing that. It is our decision how Regan has his hair, we are his parents. It is unfair to keep picking on him.’

Mr Bradley has visited the school to ask teachers to stop telling off his son about the haircut.

Headteache­r Mrs Miles said: ‘Our uniform policy, which is linked to our behaviour policy, provides parents with clear guidelines.

‘Rules are applied fairly and consistent­ly throughout the school. We’re always happy to discuss these matters with parents and advise how they can be resolved.’

 ??  ?? looking neat: Seven-year-old regan Bradley with his parents Peter and Kelly
looking neat: Seven-year-old regan Bradley with his parents Peter and Kelly

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