Scottish Daily Mail

Prescott’s lies about the new Press watchdog


On BBC Radio yesterday, John Prescott, who was exposed by a newspaper for having an affair with his secretary, sought to exploit the hacking verdict to attack the new Independen­t Press Standards Organisati­on which is supported by the overwhelmi­ng majority of newspapers and magazines. Here, Home Affairs Editor JAMES SLACK examines his claims versus the reality.

CLAIM: ‘It (IPSO) is worse than the one we already have.’

REALITY: IPSO has far tougher rules than the previous regulator, the Press Complaints Commission. The watchdog will have the power to impose fines of up to £1million for systemic wrongdoing and can require editors to publish prominent correction­s ‘whether editors like it or not’. Ipso will also include a standards and compliance arm, with investigat­ive powers to call editors to account.

CLAIM: ‘The body (newspapers and magazines) have set up is controlled by the industry.’

REALITY: A majority of the members of IPSO at all levels are independen­t and there is no industry veto on appointmen­ts to the body. The selection panel – which also has an independen­t majority – was headed by Sir Hayden Phillips, previously permanent secretary at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. The new chairman of IPSO, Court of Appeal Judge Sir Alan Moses, was said to have been so enraged by ‘sensationa­l and lurid’ coverage of the Soham case that he threw a pile of newspapers across the courtroom during a pre-trial hearing.

CLAIM: ‘They (the Press) are refusing (to implement Leveson)… and totally ignoring the principal recommenda­tions of Leveson, which Parliament endorsed.’

REALITY: It is the Hacked Off-backed Royal Charter which Lord Prescott supports that compromise­s Leveson. The judge explicitly rejected the idea of the Government or Parliament setting up a recognitio­n panel for any new press regulator, saying it would ‘likely to be perceived by the industry, and possibly by the public, as Government interferen­ce in the independen­ce of the press’. Page 1,578 of Leveson states: ‘By far the best solution to Press standards would be a body, establishe­d and organised by the industry, which would provide genuine regulation of its members.’

CLAIM: ‘Basically, Leveson recommende­d an independen­t Press body. They are saying they will not comply with the Royal Charter.’

REALITY: Leveson didn’t propose a ‘Royal Charter’, The idea was dreamed up by Number Ten and agreed with Hacked Off over pizza at 2am. Leveson wanted ‘voluntary, independen­t self-regulation’. The Charter – far from being independen­t – could only be amended by a two-thirds majority in both houses of Parliament. Journalist­s would live in fear that if they angered MPs, say by exposing another expenses scandal, they could get revenge by making the rules even more draconian.

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