Scottish Daily Mail

Max Hastings

For centuries, the wicked have dreamt of wiping their crimes from history. Now – thanks to an idiotic ruling by European judges and Google’s connivance – they’re doing it in their thousands


THE name Mario Costeja Gonzales probably will not ring an instant bell in your mind. You might well guess that he was one of the kids who went out in the first round of Wimbledon.

In reality, however, he is an obscure Spaniard who has prompted a global storm, appalling everyone who cares about censorship.

Some years ago, Senor Gonzales got into financial bother. He was obliged to sell his house to pay a gambling debt.

Today, like many of us with such little embarrassm­ents in our past, he would prefer that people did not know about this bad episode.

He decided to bring a lawsuit, demanding that all references should be deleted from the internet. The case wound its way through a succession of law courts.

Then, in May, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in Luxembourg passed judgment.

Senor Gonzales won a right such as few fairy stories have ever dared confer: to airbrush his life-story on his own terms.

A precedent — a crazy precedent — was set. The court decreed that every citizen in Europe has a ‘right to be forgotten’.

The ruling required Google to remove irrelevant or excessive personal informatio­n about European individual­s from European search results upon request.

Whoever you may be, high or low, you are, therefore, granted Groundhog Day privileges by courtesy of Europe: to rewind the movie of your life, omitting the nasty bits.

This is surreal, and indeed terrifying, in its implicatio­ns. But this is what is happening.

Google, the search engine with global powers such as history’s great dictators would have sold their children to wield, has hastened to comply with the court’s ruling. In the few weeks since it was made, an extraordin­ary range of people have demanded the ‘right to be forgotten’ — and got their way.

Not surprising­ly, none has asked that references should be deleted to Oxford scholarshi­ps, kidney donations or friendship­s with Mother Teresa. All simply wanted personal lapses to be edited out of their CVs.

FOR example, stories about the fact that solicitor Paul Baxendale-Walker stood for election to the Law Society council in 2002 without disclosing that he was awaiting trial on fraud charges were removed by Google.

It arranged for petrol station worker Nandish Ruparelia’s sentencing to 16 months imprisonme­nt in 2008 for stealing £76,000 to pay off gambling debts to be excised from its search results.

Several Tesco staff saw wiped clean the fact that they had posted abusive Twitter and Facebook entries about customers.

Stories, too, about top football referee Dougie McDonald resigning after being discovered to have lied about his reasons for granting a penalty in a match between Celtic and Dundee United were removed by Google — only to be reinstated later.

Most worrying of all, a 2007 blog by the BBC’s respected business correspond­ent, Robert Peston, has been crudely censored. He had written critically about one of the most despicable of the bankers disgraced in the great financial collapse, Stan O’Neal of Merrill Lynch.

If there was any justice in the world, O’Neal would today be suspended by his braces above a shark tank, a social outcast, rather than enjoying his illgotten millions in East Coast splendour as he is.

It is an affront to decency that t his monstrous i ndividual should have the commentary on his shame edited. Initially, it was assumed that O’Neal himself or Merrill Lynch must have taken advantage of the new ‘right to be forgotten’ law. But it transpired that this was not the case — the complaint had come from someone who had left a comment on his blog, who later regretted it and asked to have that page removed from search results.

The perverse result is that if you search on Google for ‘Merrill Lynch’ or ‘Stan O’Neal’ on Peston’s blog, the posting will appear — but i t won’t be selected if you search for the name of the individual who made the comment.

Despite Google moving to address some public concerns, the internet giant has acted disgracefu­lly for so quickly abasing itself before the ECJ judgment.

What’s more, several UK publishers, including the Daily Mail, have been notified that some of their articles have been removed from Google search results.

Google’s spokesman said feebly: ‘ This is a new and evolving process for us. We try to listen to feedback and will also work with data protection

authoritie­s and others as we comply with the ruling.’

The company’s conduct is, of course, commercial­ly driven.

Since the European Court pronounced, the company has received 70,000 requests, relating to a quarter of a million websites, for amendments and deletions. Businesses such as Reputation VIP have been set up to offer clients assistance in getting their online biographie­s rewritten.

Google has created an online claim form for those who want to exercise their censorship rights.

This starts out by recalling the court’s finding and stating: ‘In implementi­ng this decision, we will assess each individual request and attempt to balance the privacy rights of the individual with the public’s right to know and distribute informatio­n.

‘ When evaluating your request, we will look at whether the results include outdated informatio­n about you, as well as whether there’s a public interest in the informatio­n — for example, informatio­n about financial scams, profession­al malpractic­e, criminal conviction­s, or public conduct of government officials.’

This sounds fair enough, but the record already shows that Google has acted swiftly in the face of a stream of requests from obvious wrongdoers.

Why? It must be because it’s much easier and cheaper to give in and suppress informatio­n, r ather t han expend t he resources and cash to resist.

Google could face litigation from whole tribes of low-lifers desperate to secure censorship of their past, and armed with the prospect that, if their cases go all the way to Luxembourg, the bench of idiots presiding in the European court would find in their favour.

Ordinary people, outside the hothouse of politics and big business, sometimes suppose that free speech is no big deal in their lives. They find it hard to understand — for instance — why almost everyone who works in the media recoiled in dismay from Lord Justice Leveson’s 2012 report, proposing statutoril­y underpinne­d curbs and sanctions on the Press.

yet throughout our past and across the world, we have seen that it is impossible to have just a little bit of government control of the Press and broadcasti­ng, just a few curbs on the free passage of informatio­n.

Once the pernicious process starts, the rich and powerful find it irresistib­le to exploit it f or t heir own purposes, invariably at odds with those of society.

CONSIdER how great men and women of history — and small ones, too — would have edited out of their stories a host of follies and embarrassm­ents, affairs and scandals.

In my days as a newspaper editor, when politician­s complained about how much we got wrong, I replied that if they told us the truth more often, we would make fewer mistakes.

Every politician, businessma­n or profession­al s eeks to massage the facts to make their own performanc­e look better. We should not complain about that. But the definition of real news will always be things that somebody does not want found out.

What is so terrifying about the European court’s judgment is that it threatens to empower everyone with a guilty secret to hide.

As a newspaper editor, I noticed that almost all the people who threatened us with lawyers — and, indeed, those who took defamation cases to court — were crooks from the Robert Maxwell stable of life.

The honest folk were almost always happy to accept a published apology when we got something wrong about them.

Almost everything in life is about striking a balance between competing interests. All of us who work in the media acknowledg­e its limitation­s.

But society seems best served by accepting that the vices of a free Press are less pernicious than those of a controlled one.

I say that, even though suffering a little from internet anarchy myself. A while back, I noticed that Wikipedia’s entry on me was wrong on several factual points, as it is on most people. I had to beg and plead for weeks to persuade them to amend the silliest errors.

The great American novelist Philip Roth complained of having the same experience.

A lot of stuff on the internet is just plain wrong.

As a citizen, however, I prefer to accept this state of affairs than that which prevails in China, where thousands of stone-faced state censors police every element of the internet.

I get libelled occasional­ly, as a very minor public figure, but I have come to believe that unless somebody says something unspeakabl­e, it works best to let slings and arrows bounce off.

I gained brief notoriety as a correspond­ent i n the 1982 Falklands War.

Some jealous rivals afterwards peddled a tale that I had bribed a Royal Marine officer to suppress their dispatches, and indeed put that story in print.

I ranted and raged and threatened to sue them for their last penny. My agent hosed me down. ‘Max,’ he said, ‘you are not the most popular man in Fleet Street just now.

‘A lot of people are envious, and plenty of mud is going to be thrown.

‘If it deserves to stick, it will. If it doesn’t, it won’t. But what is for sure is that if you go around suing people, you will be sorry.’

His advice was dead right, and I have been grateful to him ever since. I have never sued enemies for falsehoods, and never regretted not doing so.

One of the most demented of Lord Justice Leveson’s recommenda­tions was that, in some circumstan­ces, newspapers should have to bear the costs of libel cases — even if they won. In other words, even if a court found that a newspaper had been telling the truth, it would have to pay the bill.

Now, in the spirit of Leveson, the European Court has gone further. It offers an explicit licence to anybody who wants to airbrush their own CV.

Consider where this might end. A fortnight ago, an employer who had lost an industrial tribunal case against a worker was appalled to discover that the same man had taken two previous bosses to tribunals. In other words, he was a serial litigant on the make.

It is surely absolutely right that such a person should be exposed, so that any future employer can be warned. But the ECJ seems to believe that he should be able to delete his past history so that he can pull the same scam again.

Think of the long roll-call of politician­s who have gone to jail, the Jeffrey Archers and Jonathan Aitkens whom the ECJ judgment grants a right, if they dare to use it, to excise their gross deceits from their biographie­s.

The Robert Maxwells and Tiny Rowlands of the future, the tycoons who lie and cheat, could now receive a charter to do so.

Then there are the l i ttle crooks, working little scams against householde­rs and the vulnerable old.

Today, there is a fair chance that somewhere on the net there are alarm calls out about them. If the ECJ ruling stands, no bells will ring.

MAy BE it seems a cruel world, in which we have to live for ever with the consequenc­es of youthful follies or indiscreti­ons.

But it is surely better than one in which we cannot discover the truth about someone — maybe a man with whom we are about to do business, or a surgeon about to operate on us — because it has been censored, deleted, snatched from the public domain by court order.

Lord Justice Leveson’s profoundly flawed report on Press regulation has become a dead letter in Britain because sensible people, including sensible politician­s, understand that occasional media excesses are a price worth paying for Press freedom.

This is especially true when Twitter and Facebook exist in a moral swamp, perpetrati­ng uncontroll­ed and al most uncontroll­able enormities.

But the European Court of Justice’s verdict, and Google’s craven interpreta­tion of it, threaten something much worse: censorship on a vast scale, allowing millions of people to rewrite their stories to their own specificat­ions, with the most pernicious consequenc­es.

The ECJ must be defied, its huge folly undone.

None of us can be granted a lifelong right to write our own school reports.

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