Scottish Daily Mail


Platell’s People


WHEN ROLF Harris was first arrested almost a year ago on charges of sexual assault, I wrote in this column that I prayed he was innocent. In truth, I thought he was: he had to be.

It was inconceiva­ble to me that the man I’d come to love and trust as a true friend had been serially assaulting girls for decades.

Even when the ‘guilty’ verdicts were read out in court on Monday, I didn’t believe them. No, I refused to believe them. How could my Rolf be guilty of such pathologic­al abuse?

I was in denial because Rolf and I go back a long way. I first met him some 16 years ago when my then boyfriend invited him — as a surprise — to my 40th birthday party. Knowing how much I had adored him since I was a young girl, he had tracked down Rolf’s phone number through a mutual friend and persuaded him to drop by.

I can still picture the moment the doorbell rang and in walked a mystery guest, his face hidden by a huge bunch of flowers (I kept them, dried and hanging up in my study, until yesterday).

Ever the showman, he paused, then dramatical­ly held the bouquet in the air, revealing … my childhood hero in the flesh. I was so overcome, I took him upstairs away from my other guests to keep him to myself for a while.

Throughout my life as a newspaper executive and political spin doctor, I’ve met many famous people and I have never been phased by any of them. But Rolf was different. Having watched his shows throughout my childhood, I felt as though I’d known him all my life. And, ridiculous as it sounds now, I desperatel­y wanted to be his friend.

He, to my delight, seemed equally keen to be mine. Taking one look at my minimalist flat with huge white walls, he said: ‘That wall looks bloody bare, Mandy. Why don’t you let me do a painting on it?’

He didn’t do one in the end, but we did go downstairs where I sat on his lap as we sang his famous song, Two Little Boys, together. That’s the moment captured in the picture of us together printed here — a picture that I had framed and put on proud display.

Ever considerat­e, he even drew me a birthday card and later sent me a bag full of T-shirts, fake ‘Rolf’ beards and glasses.

At the time, I was so excited that I didn’t pause to wonder why this star — at the height of his fame — would turn up at a

I was conned by a manipulati­ve and cunning paedophile

stranger’s party. Now I suspect he was tempted by the fact he knew it would be full of journalist­s who might one day be useful to him.

Whatever the truth, that’s how our friendship began — one that would endure for 16 years.

I’m not pretending Rolf was a bosom buddy, but we had a kinship. We discovered we were born in the same hospital in Perth, where he had grown up with my Dad’s best friend.

And like Dad, he was a boy raised in great hardship in the Australian bush who had made good, before heading to Britain where, like me, he’d settled.

So we would meet up from time to time, send friendly emails to one another, exchange Christmas cards, and I would always be invited to his art exhibition­s. He got to know my Mum and Dad well, too, when they came to visit. We felt like VIPs, turning up at his shows to be enveloped in his now infamous bear hugs.

He even rang my parents at home — just for a chat. My 86-year-old mother, who has problems rememberin­g what day it is, never failed to ask me when I called home: ‘And Mandy, how is our friend Rolf? Please give him my love and prayers.’

To people throughout the world, myself included, he was the beloved uncle: warm, colourful, comforting. Lovely touchy-feely Rolf had this ability to make you feel as though you were the most important person in the world.

So when news of his arrest on the most despicable of crimes first broke, yes, I defended him — as any good friend would. I thought his ‘victims’ must be fantasists or opportunis­ts.

It’s only this week that I’ve been forced to confront the hard truth.

I’ve re- read all the evidence, heard the judge’s words and the victims’ impact statements. I’ve l earned of more than 12 f resh allegation­s of abuse and of the stash of vile child pornograph­y found on his computer.

And I can deny it no longer: the man I adored betrayed me. More than that, I’ve had to accept that Rolf Harris groomed me, just as meticulous­ly as he did his victims.

That’s not to say I suffered physical abuse. I was never groped or fondled, as so many were. They are the ones whose lives have been ruined and who deserve every sympathy.

But yes, I was conned by a cunning and manipulati­ve paedophile.

Experts i n pathologic­al sex offenders say the really clever ones spend only one per cent of their time grooming their actual victims — but 99 per cent of their time grooming the people around them.

Often working as teachers or priests or entertaine­rs, they are expert at persuading people they are trustworth­y — tirelessly giving to charities, visiting the sick, cheering up the masses — to the extent that no one would believe a bad word against them.

I know I didn’t believe it of Rolf. How could the man who was so funny, so gentle, so kind to animal-lovers, be an abuser?

Yet abuser he was. The truth is out; and it has shattered not only our friendship but my pride and lifelong belief that I am a good judge of character.

Looking back, the only time I ever came close to discoverin­g a different side to Rolf was when I interviewe­d him in the late Nineties. Back then, he was at the height of his success presenting Animal Hospital and I was the editor of a national newspaper.

We met in a dingy kebab house (his choice) round the corner from the vet hospital. So unassuming, I thought; so typical of Rolf. During that interview, he unexpected­ly broke down in tears and sobbed that his life was in ruins. His wife Alwen had suffered mental illness for many years, he said, and his daughter Bindi had abandoned him. He was heart-broken. He had never even met his only grandchild, Bindi’s son.

Bindi couldn’t cope with the fame of ‘being Rolf Harris’s daughter’, he told me through the tears, and he wished he could turn back the clock and have been there for her more as she was growing up.

I was shocked and astonished. The happy-go-lucky Aussie without a care in the world was, in truth, a man racked with private sorrow and regret.

It was a great exclusive. So I wrote it up and sent him the copy as promised — for factual correction only.

Half an hour later the phone rang. It was Rolf. ‘If you run that story, Mandy, you’ll destroy my life. I beg you …’ More tears.

And I fell for it. I never ran the story, even though it was planned to be the front page and four more inside — the first insight into Rolf Harris’s tortured life.

At the time, I was left frustrated and perplexed. Only now, when I read through the timeline of his

Those who knew and trusted him are in despair

sex assaults, does the episode make sense. For I realise it was around this time that his daughter Bindi had discovered her father had been having a long ‘affair’ with her best friend — the main witness in his court case — a girl whom he had groomed and groped from the age of 13.

At the same time, he was also sleeping with his ‘housekeepe­r’ — and, as we have learned, sexually assaulting girls at will.

No wonder Bindi didn’t want her father near her or her child. One can only wonder how much his wife Alwen’s ‘mental illness’ was down to the terrible secrets she had discovered about her husband.

Now we all know the truth, and my disbelief has turned to grief. The body of evidence is now so great that even those who knew and trusted him are in despair.

One question, though, still haunts me. Was Rolf always truly evil, a psychopath­ic monster, like Jimmy Savile, who gleefully manipulate­d all those around him?

Looking at the picture of him published this week, posing with Savile on a trip to Broadmoor, the similariti­es are chillingly apparent. Could Rolf have been as dark, as sick, as twisted as that monster beside him? I’m tempted to think not. While Savile used his popularity as a cynical and calculatin­g means to carry out his decades of abuse, I suspect that Rolf was always two people — the classic Jekyll and Hyde who could be kind and generous and s incere in public, but was possessed by vile desires in private.

Few of us are wholly good or completely evil. I want to believe that Rolf wasn’t wicked through and through. That, at least, would not make a total mockery of his lifetime as a national treasure — both here and in Australia — or of our years of friendship.

Or am I still just kidding myself — trying to seek s ome s mall salvation for a man who simply does not deserve it?

 ??  ?? Fallen hero: Amanda sitting on Rolf’s lap at her 40th birthday party, where he was a surprise guest
Fallen hero: Amanda sitting on Rolf’s lap at her 40th birthday party, where he was a surprise guest
 ??  ??

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