Scottish Daily Mail


- by Elly Viner, 21

I HATE to admit it, but I think Dad’s right about The Inbetweene­rs 2. I really warmed to the show when it started on Channel 4, and so did all my friends.

Until then, the only sitcoms that appealed to people in their mid-teens were American imports, such as re-runs of Friends.

It was refreshing to see a British comedy like that, because it was easier to relate to. And it was so outrageous that it felt slightly illicit even to be watching it, which just added to the fun.

The problem with this new film is that I’ve grown up since I started watching The Inbetweene­rs, but they haven’t. I know they’re just actors playing parts, but it’s kind of yucky that they’re still behaving like oversexed teenagers.

I hated the stuff at the beginning with Jay pretending he was a successful DJ called DJ Big Penis. Maybe I’d find that funny if I was still 15, but actually, I’m not sure I would.

They seem to be trying way too hard in this film, and although The Inbetweene­rs has never been about subtlety, it’s never been as unsubtle as this. I probably wasn’t as worried about the misogyny as my dad was.

My boyfriend doesn’t talk or behave like that and nor do any of the boys I know. Seeing this film won’t change that, but then I’m talking about guys of 21 and 22.

It might be different for kids of 15 or 16, who could easily think that it’s cool to talk that way about girls.

Do I think that girls seeing this film will think all boys are potential sex fiends?

Probably not, but I can see my dad’s point . . . at a time when society frowns more and more on inequaliti­es between men and women, here’s a film that gives us the oldest stereotype­s in the book — all blokes have one-track minds and all women are sex mad or frigid. Or horrible nags.

A little worryingly, I laughed most at the things my dad laughed at. There’s a scene with Will (Simon Bird) shooting down a water slide, being chased by — can I say this? — a poo. It’s so silly that it’s really funny. My younger brother loved that bit, too.

It’s a bit of an indictment of the film, really, that there is nothing else in it quite as hilarious as that.

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