Scottish Daily Mail

Growth, but not for your salary

- By RUTH SUNDERLAND Associate City Editor

BRITAIN’S economic recovery, unlike the stuttering eurozone, is strong. That is the message from the latest revisions, which confirm the strongest pace of growth for six years, and from the robust employment figures this week.

So why, then, i s the typical employee not enjoying the benefit in his or her salary slip? Despite the stream of positive data, most are still feeling a squeeze.

Unemployme­nt has fallen far more than the Bank of england expected at this point – but at the same time, average earnings are growing at a snail’s pace, well below the rate of inflation.

Pay including bonuses in the three months to the end of June was actually slightly lower than a year ago. Some of that is due to the timing of bonuses last year, many postponed to take advantage of a cut in the top rate of income tax to 45pc.

But even after stripping out bonuses, pay is up only 0.6pc – so apart from a few fat-walleted bankers and FTSE bosses, workers are not feeling any better off. as Mark Carney, the Bank of england governor put it, pay growth has been remarkably weak, even as unemployme­nt has dropped rapidly.

The Bank has halved the forecast for earnings and now expects growth of just 1.25pc this year.

In its Inflation Report, the Bank points to a number of possible reasons for meagre wage increases. One is that the financial crisis has made people cling tighter to the jobs they have.

Fewer people are leaving the labour force, either by resigning or by being made redundant, than at any time for 20 years.

They are also markedly more reluctant to change jobs.

as a consequenc­e, companies have had the upper hand on pay bargaining: they have not faced much pressure to raise salaries and bonuses to retain staff, with the perennial exception of the invest- ment banks. There have also been big changes in the labour market that are weighing down on pay demands.

These include later pension ages, which are driving older people to try to work longer, new benefit rules and immigratio­n, all of which have increased the number of available people for hire.

Workers in the Uk have also become more flexible, through zero hours contracts and the like.

Post the financial crisis, Britain’s productivi­ty performanc­e has been dreadful, currently some 17pc below where it would have been on its pre-crisis trend.

exactly why this i s the case remains opaque but one likely factor i s that employers have sought to add value by taking on more staff, rather than through investment or improving efficiency. low – or no – wage growth has enabled firms to expand profit margins, despite the sharp rise in employment.

Whether all this is a passing phenomenon linked to the crisis, or will turn out to be a longer-term shift to a poorer-paid, less-productive Britain remains to be seen. let’s hope not.

During the downturn, companies understand­ably became fixated with keeping pay costs down and may have become locked in that mindset. yet it is not an immutable law of capitalism that staff must be paid as little as humanly possible.

leaving aside questions of social justice, slender pay packets are no route to prosperity.

Remorse code

POOR old antony Jenkins. The chief executive brought in to clean up Barclays is still facing a monumental hangover for past wrongdoing.

Speculatio­n is that the Serious Fraud Office is nearing a decision on whether to charge former senior executives including ex-chief Bob Diamond over undisclose­d payments made to Qatari investors during the financial crisis in 2008.

The bank may also be looking at costs of up to £1.2bn for alleged forex market rigging, dark pool operations and interest-rate swaps mis-selling, according to analysts at Sanford Bernstein.

On top of that, financial news agency Bloomberg reckons Barclays could be hit with a fine of £60m for failing to ring-fence client assets. Who was it who said the time for remorse is over?

Age barrier

ONE myth bandied about by those who accuse the baby-boomer generation of stealing the future is that the over-50s are hogging all the jobs and freezing young people out of the market.

This is the lump of labour fallacy, or the mistaken idea there are a fixed number of jobs in the economy. In any case, analysis by Ros altmann, the Government’s older workers’ champion, shows it is much harder for unemployed older people to get a job than it is for younger ones, despite their skills and experience.

The over-50s are caricature­d as having a strangleho­ld on the good life but in reality are often the first to be made redundant and consigned prematurel­y to the scrap heap.

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