Scottish Daily Mail

Fake tycoon sued after he buys football club for £1


A MOROCCAn businessma­n said he was friends with Jose Mourinho and Cristiano Ronaldo to hoodwink football executives into selling him their club for £1, court papers claim.

Outail Touzar, 31, apparently claimed he had links to a host of footballin­g names when he waltzed into struggling Salisbury City FC and offered to help.

He met shareholde­rs in the non- l eague club at a five - star London hotel, where he showed off photos of himself with Roman Abramovich, Sepp Blatter, Diego Maradona, Mourinho and Ronaldo.

Mr Touzar promised them he would pay off debts and inject £ 500,000 into the club, while bringing One Direction member niall Horan on board, it is claimed.

But a High Court writ alleges he failed to put up a single penny – not even the £1 he promised to pay for the club – and the furious shareholde­rs and investors are suing him for damages.

Salisbury City chief executive Paul Smith said: ‘He was an idiot. He went i n there and l i ked the idea of owning a football club – but he simply didn’t have the funds. He didn’t have the money at all.’ Mr Touzar did not respond to a request f or comment.

Salisbury City FC was founded 67 years ago and was promoted until it reached the Football Conference, which it briefly led. It has since been thrown out for failing to pay its debts.

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