Scottish Daily Mail



This week, answering a reader’s question, i’ve suggested the position of the Moon in our birth chart describes our private, hidden emotions. it is thus, rather like underwear. The sign rising over the horizon at our moment of birth is definitely outerwear, the hat we appear to be wearing when others first meet us. But what of the sun sign, the astrologic­al factor we refer to every day on this page? That’s like your favourite coat. it, too, conveys a message about who you are. But it also speaks about ‘the sense of self ’ with which you feel most comfortabl­e.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 ‘YOU’VE got to sing like you don’t need the money, love like you’ll never get hurt, you’ve got to dance like nobody’s watching, you’ve got to come from the heart if you want it to work.’ Though often attributed to Mark Twain, the true origin of this quote would seem to be a song by Susanna Clark and Richard Leigh which, in a version by Kathy Mattea, made No1 on the U.S. country chart in 1989. No matter where it came from, the message is clear. And it is all you need to remember this weekend. Even if you don’t usually call your in-depth phone forecast, you should hear the excellent news in your NEW October prediction. Call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS WHENEVER we focus

Apr 21 — May 21 too intently on our fears, we create little dips in the otherwise flat plane of our subconscio­us. Then, when the rain of some new worry starts to fall into our lives, it gathers in those gullies. To be as brave as we need to be, we must try to keep our minds free from those problemati­c puddles. There is no need, this weekend, to let an old source of trouble become the trigger for a new one. Try to look at your situation with fresh eyes and you will see there is

no reason to let the past spoil the future. Please keep reading. Your in-depth, NEW October forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Dial 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI WE think we know

May 22 — June 22 what we are interested in, what we care about, what matters to us and why. We make distinctio­ns between the subjects that fascinate others and the ones that somehow define our own priorities. Yet the more of these lines we draw, the more we surround ourselves in a tightly woven net that keeps us apart from the rest of the world. It may feel comforting, this weekend, to stick with the tried and tested, but it will prove liberating to explore the new and the different. Seize your chance to understand what’s happening in your horoscope and discover how to assure success in October. Call 0906 751 5603. CANCER NONE are more

June 23 — July 23 potentiall­y powerful than the folk who believe themselves to be powerless. Folk who have something to lose are careful not to put themselves at risk. Those who believe they will be just as damned if they do as if they don’t, can soon be persuaded to stop drinking from the cool clear fountain of reason and to start supping instead, from the big bad

beer bottle of belligeren­ce. You feel tempted, this weekend, to launch an attack on an

imposition. But should you stay sober? Please keep reading. I’ve taken a good look at your forecast for October and I have great things to tell you. For inspiratio­n call 0906 751 5604. LEO SOME people create the

July 24 — Aug 23 impression of being loose cannons. Others come across as ‘a steady pair of hands’. The latter like to keep away from the former, while the former are often keen to attain the assistance of the latter. Constructi­ve change is often a result of some ‘carrot and stick’ combinatio­n. When the threat is chaos and the promise is stability, few fail to pay heed. Many, in your world this weekend, are preaching restraint. It may be wise to become a voice in favour of innovation. October is the month you’ve been waiting for. Get the good news and learn what to guard against in your new four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5605. VIRGO AFTER you have read

Aug 24 — Sep 23 your forecast, there will be a form to fill in. You will be asked if you have fully understood it. Then you will be invited to summarise the advice it contained and subject this to a panel of experts. If you then wait a few days, they will get back to you with their considered judgment. Does that sound like a fair suggestion? What do those experts know that you don’t know? You don’t even need an astrologer to tell you that your heart is now set on an objective. Why shouldn’t you pursue it? I’ve got lots to tell you about October — and you’re going to like it. Do yourself a favour. Call your NEW, inspiratio­n-packed forecast: 0906 751 5606. LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23 THE world is full of people busily making promises to one another. Not just individual­s in close working or romantic relationsh­ips. Companies, announcing in adverts, that they have just the thing you want. Politician­s, declaring that if you vote for them, they will come through with their goods. We all know too many promises are just as easily broken as they are made. Yet we keep on hoping and believing. This weekend, at least, you can make a promise to yourself and be sure of seeing it through. Even if you don’t usually call your in-depth phone forecast, you should hear the excellent news in your NEW October prediction. Call 0906 751 5607. SCORPIO WHEN the people

Oct 24 — Nov 22 of Scotland were deciding how to vote in the referendum, they may have carefully considered many factors. Yet few, if any, were thinking of the precedent they might be setting for other nations, in similar positions. When we are dealing with something immediate and close to home, how can we possibly see all the wider implicatio­ns? Your own deep involvemen­t in a pressing matter makes it hard for you to stand back this weekend. Yet you should try, if you can. Please keep reading. Your in-depth, NEW October forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Dial 0906 751 5608.


Nov 23 — Dec 21 but two powers in the world, the sword and the mind. In the long run the sword is always beaten by the mind.’ Now, if you have been reading your forecast every day this week, you will probably be able to guess the author of this quote. And if not, where have you been? I have been offering you, every day, wise words from Napoleon, who was a great thinker as well as a great general — even if Nelson didn’t like him much. That aside, intelligen­ce is the only weapon you require this weekend. Seize your chance to understand what’s happening in your horoscope and discover how to assure success in October. Call 0906 751 5609.


Dec 22 — Jan 20 of the smartphone. It contains a satnav. It can let you check your emails and surf the Internet. You need never be out of touch with anyone, anywhere again. Unless, that is, you happen to take it into territory which is not covered by your data contract. Then, you can expect a host of hidden charges for using any of the applicatio­ns you might most require while far from home. There may be many such unfair factors to contend with this weekend. But in one key area of life at least, justice is going to be done. Please keep reading. I’ve taken a good look at your forecast for October and I have great things to tell you. For inspiratio­n call 0906 751 5610.


Jan 21 — Feb 19 happened to the dodo? And how much longer will it be before various types of humans find themselves on the verge of extinction? Is there room in this world any more for idiosyncra­tic individual­s and argumentat­ive nonconform­ists? How can any of us expect to survive unless we learn to fit in more easily? Well, history tells us something different about life’s pioneers and innovators. They eventually become the leaders and the heroes. You needn’t be afraid to be yourself this weekend. October is the month you’ve been waiting for. Get the good news and learn what to guard against in your new four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5611.


Feb 20 — Mar 20 such an enduring mythologic­al hero? It isn’t his fashion sense that has kept him from the scrapheap of history. It is just that people cannot resist the idea of a nice chap who will happily fly to anyone’s rescue, even if he is wearing his underpants outside his trousers. Yet when Superman himself gets into trouble, who flies to his aid? If you must rush wildly and bravely to save a situation this weekend, at least make sure you dress tastefully first. I’ve got lots to tell you about October — and you’re going to like it. Do yourself a favour. Call your NEW, inspiratio­n-packed forecast: 0906 751 5612.

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