Scottish Daily Mail

Ephraim Hardcastle

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LEONARDO DiCaprio was meant to star in The Imitation Game, which opens today with Benedict Cumberbatc­h as our ace wartime codebreake­r Alan Turing. It was going to be a Warner Bros production but ended up being made by a small, independen­t company. The film’s director, bearded Norwegian Morten Tyldum, tells me: ‘I just felt Warner Bros didn’t want to make a picture about a gay man.’ In a wrenching scene, Cumberbatc­h confesses to his fiancée, played by Keira Knightley, that he is a homosexual. An end-note on screen says he killed himself in 1954 during government-prescribed hormone treatment after being convicted of gross indecency. Too downbeat for present-day Warner Bros, evidently. Yet the studio was ‘historical­ly associated with socially conscious themes’, say movie historians. That was in the 1930s, however. PRIOR to David Miliband’s interview on Newsnight, the BBC’s US correspond­ent, Jon Sopel, said that he wasn’t allowed to ask about brother Ed or Labour Party politics. Contrast this pusillanim­ous approach with Sky’s interview with Tony Blair from Sierra Leone. Self-importantl­y, Blair said he’d only talk about the ebola crisis. Newscaster Kay Burley, pictured, cheerily ignored this, asking if he’d talked to Ed Miliband at the Remembranc­e Sunday service about the latter’s difficulti­es. Despite her persistent questions, Blair gave no informatio­n of value. But his reluctance to wax enthusiast­ic about his successor spoke volumes. APROPOS Ed, he quoted an aphorism of Hitler’s favourite philosophe­r, Friedrich Nietzsche – ‘What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’ – in his relaunch speech yesterday. Poor Nietzsche, who died relatively young at the age of 55, was confined to a lunatic asylum after he was found embracing a horse in the street. FORMER Tory minister Michael Portillo surprised an audience in Malton, North Yorkshire, by predicting Ed Miliband will be the next PM. According to my source: ‘He said the Tories will gain more votes than Labour but Ukip will gain at least 10 per cent, opening the door for a Labourled government with Miliband as PM. He also predicted that, since there will be no Tory majority, there will be no referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU.’ Now establishe­d as a broadcaste­r, the famous Euroscepti­c’s series on train journeys covers Europe. Fancy that! MORAL Maze star Michael Buerk – about to appear, for £120,000, in ITV’s I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! – has faced worse hardships. After leaving school, he says in his memoirs, ‘I became a hod carrier, carrying bricks in a three-sided box on a stick up the sides of a half-built block of flats. I was exhausted by 9am, and stayed that way for three months.’ But I wonder if fellow contestant­s will be tactless enough to ask what show he was thinking of when he recently criticised TV’s ‘cutting-edge tripe’.

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