Scottish Daily Mail

Mrs Watson goes to war against Sherlock trolls


APPEARING opposite Benedict Cumberbatc­h in Sherlock has proved trying for Amanda Abbington. The 40-year-old, who plays Mary, the wife of her real-life boyfriend Martin Freeman’s character Watson, says she faces regular abuse from some of the popular BBC drama’s viewers.

‘Sherlock fans are either fiercely loyal or can’t stand you,’ she says. ‘Ninety per cent are sweet and charming, but there are a vocal 10 per cent who you think: “If you put this much energy into saving the whale or climate change you could probably change the world.”

‘They are so angry... I tell them they need a hug and that gets them riled.’

DAVID CAMERON’S 48th birthday last month coincided with the Clacton by-election won by Ukip’s Douglas Carswell. Happily, Cameron’s mother’s 80th was a jollier occasion. The PM joined siblings Alexander, Tania and Clare for a celebrator­y meal at Hedone in Chiswick, West London, for Mary, daughter of Sir William Mount Bt. The fashionabl­e Michelin-starred establishm­ent run by Swedish chef Mikael Jonsson does not come cheap. It charges £95 a head for a tasting menu and £14.50 for a cheese plate.

OSCAR-WINNER Daniel Day-Lewis is due at Buckingham Palace today to receive his knighthood. It’s a shame his father, Poet Laureate Cecil Day-Lewis, is not around to advise him on what can go wrong. The first time Cecil met the Queen was at a palace luncheon when he rested his feet below the table on what he thought was a footstool. A loud bark let all the guests know that it was actually a royal corgi. On another visit, the Queen mistakenly gave him a badge and chain, which he thought were for being Poet Laureate. In fact, they were the insignia of the Order of St Michael and St George, whose recipient, Viscount de Lisle, was waiting in line for his gong. A palace emissary rushed round the next day to snatch it back.

 ??  ?? Real-life couple: Co-stars Freeman and Abbington
Real-life couple: Co-stars Freeman and Abbington

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