Scottish Daily Mail


- www clydemuirs­ park-sites/greenock-cut

GREENOCK Cut was designed by the architect Robert Thom and built in the early 19th century to supply water from Loch Tom to Greenock.

It is a narrow, canal-like aqueduct, now a scheduled ancient monument. In its time, it helped to enlarge the growing number of mills and waterwheel-powered factories in the area, fuelling the industrial revolution in the Renfrewshi­re town.

It also produced clean drinking water for the townspeopl­e and was used as a water source until 1971. Now restored, with footpaths upgraded, it is a lovely walk – perfect for crisp autumn and winter days.

Situated within the Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park, you can easily get there by car, or on foot.

Using the visitor centre by Loch Tom as a starting point, the circular route passes along the side of the Compensati­on Reservoir to Loch Tom Cottage and then rises slowly over Scroggy Bank before heading downhill past a number of reservoirs to Overton.

The walk joins the Greenock Cut path and you will pass waterfalls, several picturesqu­e bridges and some bothies, as the path contours for four miles along the hillside towards Cornalees.

The route is well maintained, with a gradual ascent over the first mile and a quarter, thereafter flat and downhill, making it ideal for a family walk or cycle. Keep your eyes peeled for some Scandinavi­an winter visitors, including winter redwings, fieldfares and goldcrests.

The Greenock Cut Visitor Centre is open from 11am to 3pm on a Saturday and Sunday from November to March, and all week during the summer months.

The centre offers refreshmen­ts, gift shop and an interactiv­e exhibition about the cut.

During this walk you’ll enjoy fabulous views over Greenock, the Cowal Peninsula, the Argyll hills and over to the Isles of Arran and Bute.

Rated amongst Scotland’s top 50 walks, you’ll see why when you take in the inspiring scenery.

 ??  ?? Picturesqu­e: Greenock Cut walk is a family-friendly route
Picturesqu­e: Greenock Cut walk is a family-friendly route

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