Scottish Daily Mail

Fans spell-bound as Rowling reveals favourite Potter line


JK ROWLING has delighted her fans by telling them her favourite Harry Potter quote.

The author, who wrote 1,084,170 words in the seven-book series, selected just 20 words from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Responding to a question on Twitter, she chose the line – from page 723 of the first edition – ‘Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean it is not real?’

The reply by Miss Rowling, pictured, caused delight on social media.

One fan, using the name ‘Angel’ said: ‘I just burst into tears because that’s my favourite too.’

Another, who has a picture of character Hermione Granger as their profile, added: ‘This one beautiful quote has such a strong meaning even if it only has a few words.’ The line is spoken by Hogwarts headmaster Albus Dumbledore while having a chat with Harry in the ‘spiritual’ world.

Miss Rowling picked out the quote while taking part in a rare, impromptu question and answer session on Twitter. Asked by Benjamin Roffman whether the Jewish religion was represente­d in the books, she replied: ‘Anthony Goldstein, Ravenclaw, Jewish Wizard.’ She then went on to outline that every faith and belief system was represente­d in Harry Potter other than Wiccans – a modern, pagan witchcraft religion. One user, Anna Blackwell, also asked her what advice she would give to her former self.

Miss Rowling replied: ‘It will get better. Also, those baggy red dungarees are a horrible look on you.’

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