Scottish Daily Mail

Midwives set to quit NHS af ter losing abortion f ight

- By Victoria Allen Scottish Health Reporter

TWO Catholic midwives are considerin­g leaving the NHS after losing a court battle over their refusal to take part in abortions. Mary Doogan and Connie Wood f ought f or f i ve years on religious grounds against having to supervise nurses who help carry out terminatio­ns.

But the UK’s highest court yesterday ruled medical staff have no right to conscienti­ously object unless they are directly involved in an abortion. Justice Lady Hale, at the Supreme Court in London, said the two Glasgow midwives, who booked in and admitted women f or abortions, had no more involvemen­t in their babies being terminated than the hospital cleaners or canteen staff.

The landmark judgment, which overturns a previous Court of Session ruling, means medical staff can only object to a ‘hands-on’ role in abortions.

It was welcomed last night by the Royal College of Midwives, which said the two women’s case could have ‘seriously jeopardise­d’ hospital care for women across Britain.

But the Christian charity CARE said it set a ‘dangerous precedent’ that could force people to act against their conscience at work.

Miss Doogan, 60, from Garrowhill, Glasgow, and Mrs Wood, 54, from Clarkston, East Renfrewshi­re, were both labour ward co-ordinators at Glasgow’s Southern General Hospital.

In a statement they said: ‘ We are both saddened and extremely disappoint­ed with today’s verdict from the Supreme Court and can only imagine the subsequent detrimenta­l consequenc­es that will result from today’s decision.’

The case exposes a significan­t grey area in the Abortion Act 1967 which allows people not to ‘participat­e’ in terminatio­ns for reasons of conscience.

In almost 40 years the act’s wording has rarely been tested in court, except in 1989 when Barbara Janaway, a health centre secretary, objected to typing a letter from a GP referring a patient considerin­g an abortion to a consultant. Mrs Janaway lost her case.

 ??  ?? Mary Doogan and Connie Wood
Mary Doogan and Connie Wood

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