Scottish Daily Mail

My heart is broken, but I don’t fear these murderers


WHAT if it had been you or me underneath one of those desks or benches in the Army Public School in Peshawar? How would it feel?

on Tuesday that school had its walls chalked and its corridors washed with the blood of 132 innocent ones.

Switching from one news channel to another and seeing blood all over the school made me lose myself.

who am I or who were they? what will I be or what would they have been? Am I not a human and were they not human, too?

we all cry and are in grief. no doubt about that. But why? will these tears make such atrocities stop? why depend on our government in Pakistan? why trust the people who rule us?

we came alone and will die alone. why not fight alone? why let our little ones die? why not stand up before them?

what of those mothers who gave birth to the innocent ones who died?

This wasn’t the first time such a thing has happened. when such incidents occur, we cry, we upload our statuses, we light candles and, after some days, forget it — and then something bad happens again. Let us all stand united now, join hands and start our revenge. Being a 19-year-old girl, I have no fear now. when they can kill an eight-year-old, then why not me or you?

words have vanished. My heart has no feeling for myself. no fear and no love for life. Pakistan is safe no more.

The only question that rises is why those particular little souls? They had lives to live which were taken from them in less than 15 minutes.

Pray for their souls and donate blood. Start working for a cause, because we could all be in their place, too.

YUSRA KHAN, Karachi, Pakistan.

 ??  ?? Passionate plea: Karachi teenager Yusra Khan
Passionate plea: Karachi teenager Yusra Khan

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