Scottish Daily Mail

Slimmer wife sheds 4st while her Navy husband is offshore

- By Luke Salkeld

AFTER six months at sea on a Navy frigate, Grant Dalgleish was looking forward to seeing more of his wife Michelle.

But he returned home to find there was a lot less of her – she had lost 4st as a surprise while he was away.

The 31- year- old mother- of- two also dropped three dress sizes on her secret crash diet.

Lieutenant Commander Dalgleish, 35, did not even know she had been dieting until she greeted him at Plymouth Docks when his f rigate, the Argyll, returned on Thursday.

Yesterday Mrs Dalgleish, who was size 16 when he left but is now a svelte size 10, said: ‘He was absolutely gobsmacked. He couldn’t believe it.

‘I was really nervous while I was waiting for him, but obviously really excited, too.

‘He had no idea what I had been up to, and he’s always said he loved me no matter what my size was.’

Her husband said: ‘I was absolutely shocked when I first saw her.’

He joked: ‘It explains why she had been asking for so much money for new clothes. I love my wife whatever size but to see her 4st lighter is quite remarkable. It’s a remarkable achievemen­t. I seriously had no idea.’

The couple, who live in Plymouth, have two children – Harrison, four, and Poppy, 13 months. Mrs Dalgleish says she decided to diet after she failed to lose the weight she had gained while pregnant with her daughter.

In June, days after her husband’s ship sailed, she joined Slimming World with a goal of losing 2st by Christmas – but in fact over the six months she slimmed from 13st 13lb to 9st 11lb.

She said: ‘The feeling of putting on clothes and actually thinking you look okay is great. I’m so happy.’

 ??  ?? Now: Michelle Dalgleish has dropped 58lb
Now: Michelle Dalgleish has dropped 58lb
 ??  ?? Before: Michelle and Grant at their wedding
Before: Michelle and Grant at their wedding

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