Scottish Daily Mail

Just Imagine! Big Brother star beds down like Lennon


JOHN LENNON and Yoko Ono famously held a week-long ‘bed-in’ during their honeymoon at the Amsterdam Hilton in 1969 to promote world peace.

Now the stunt is to be re-enacted by the unlikely figure of Bez, former Celebrity Big Brother winner and ex-member of Manchester band Happy Mondays, who will take to bed with his fiancee Firouzeh Razavi in January at the Kensington Hilton.

Bez, aka Mark Berry, is standing as a parliament­ary candidate in Salford for his newly formed anti-fracking Reality Party and has invited Yoko, a prominent anti-fracking campaigner, to join him between the sheets.

It’s not known whether she will accept, though i f she does she may f i nd Mr Berry is not quite the peacenik her late husband was. In 2010 Bez was convicted of assaulting musician Monica Ward, the mother of his six-year-old son, after throttling her and threatenin­g to kill her.

However, Bez has more in common with the Beatles frontman than you might think.

Lennon was fined £150 in 1968 for cannabis possession, and once claimed to have taken over a thousand LSD trips during his time with the Fab Four. Both he and Yoko subsequent­ly struggled with heroin addiction in the 1970s.

Of Berry, meanwhile, music impresario Tony Wilson once said: ‘Every band needs it’s own special chemistry. And Bez was a very good chemist.’

After cracking his head open during a fall from the stage in 1986, Bez ignored doctor’s advice to rest and instead dripped LSD into the wound, then played on. Despite a past fondness for crack cocaine, he has never been to rehab.

 ??  ?? Tribute act: Bez with Firouzeh. Top, John and Yoko in 1969
Tribute act: Bez with Firouzeh. Top, John and Yoko in 1969

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