Scottish Daily Mail



1. What did Homer take a bite out of in The Simpsons’ Land of Chocolate? A. A dog, a lamp post and a mailbox B. A cat, a hydrant and a postman C. A squirrel, a policeman and a uranium rod 2. Who was the inventor of Toot Sweets (slogan: ‘Don’t waste your pucker on some all-day sucker!’)? A. Prof. Eustace P. McGargle in Never Give A Sucker An Even Break B. Willy Wonka in Charlie And The Chocolate Factory C. Caractacus Potts in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 3. Cornelius Fudge, Benito Mussolini, Andrew Marr, and the Doctor in Thunderpan­ts were just some of the characters played by which actor? A. Alexei Sayle B. Bob Hoskins C. Robert Hardy 4. In Cheers, what added feature made Norm (right) and Cliff’s karaoke rendition of Lollipop especially memorable? A. Banjos B. Helium C. Medication from Frasier 5. John Candy had a cameo role in which Eighties music video? A. Ghostbuste­rs B. Thriller C. Like A Virgin

6. Who got top billing in the 1970

TV movie Swing Out, Sweet Land? A. John Wayne, Ann-Margret and Lucille Ball (as the Statue of Liberty) B. James Stewart, the Swingle Singers and Louis Armstrong (as the Spirit of Jazz) C. Walt Disney and America the Beautiful (as itself) 7. Which was the second line to Frank Muir’s advertisin­g jingle ‘Everyone’s a fruit and nut case...’? A. ‘Keeps you going when you toss the caber’ B. ‘Perfect antidote to voting Labour’ C. ‘Try to keep it hidden from your neighbour’ 8. What kind of sweet did Steven Spielberg originally plan for Elliott to use to coax ET into his house? A. M&Ms B. Skittles C. Jack Daniels Chocolate Liqueurs 9. In which Eighties sitcom did Sherbet work in the Co-op? A. Bread B. First Of The Summer Wine C. Brush Strokes 10. What was the tagline for Fifties B-movie The Flying Saucer? A. Set lasers to scream! B. Streaking out of the unknown comes a strange new terror! C. Look up to the skies, you won’t

believe your eyes! 11. What uncharacte­ristic choice was made for Dolph Lundgren’s role in 1998’s Blackjack? A. To incorporat­e interpreta­tive dance into his performanc­e B. To ‘camp up’ his U.S. Marshal character. C. To keep his shirt on for the duration of the movie 12. How did the Roobarb And Custard (right) animators achieve the wobble effect? A. They drew with marker pens B. They sat in vibrating chairs while working C. They used to tickle each other with ostrich feathers 13. In Seinfeld, a stray Junior Mint ended up where? A. Up George’s nose B. Inside a patient during an operation C. In the Mayor of New York’s ear 14. What was Sophie’s punishment for stealing sweets from Coronation Street’s Kabin shop? A. She had to read Mills & Boon novels to Mavis B. She had to clean the shop C. She had to give Phyllis her weekly purple rinse 15. The Case Of The Liquorice Shoelaces was an episode of which TV series? A. Perry Mason B. Just William C. Fireman Sam 16. Bon Bon, Sweetie Belle and Pinkie Pie were characters in which animated TV show? A. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Pizza Is Precious B. Care Bears: Cuddles Make The World Go Round C. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic 17. What was the name of The Mighty’s Boosh’s baddie who had green skin and a large polo-mint over his left eye? A. Minty Simon B. The Lonely Wizard C. The Hitcher 18. In Friends, what reason did Phoebe give for not trying saltwater taffy? A. ‘I was traumatise­d by Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday’ B. ‘When I was a kid, we were lucky if we got salt water let alone taffy’ C. ‘My mother was too busy planning her suicide to provide salt-water treats’ 19. Who did the Vicar of Dibley meet upon emerging from the chocolate fountain into which she had dived? A. The Archbishop of Canterbury B. Desmond Tutu C. Johnny Depp 20. What sweet was instrument­al in Charlie winning the grand prize in Charlie And The Chocolate Factory? A. The Never-ending Swizzle-stick B. The Ever-lasting Gobstopper C. The Infinite Pineapple Chunk 21. Which of the following wasn’t a character in Bob Hope’s 1951 hit comedy The Lemon Drop Kid? A. Moose Moran B. Gloomy Willie C. Sassy Sal 22. What workplace provided the backdrop for The X-Files (right) episode Humbug? A. Freak show B. Call centre C. Amish IT department 23. Tic Tacs have had memorable big and small-screen roles in which of the following? A. Frasier, Star Trek and Wayne’s World B. Juno, Will & Grace and Airheads C. Batman Begins, The Wire and Sooty 24. What did Florence want to know after discoverin­g a Toffee River in The Magic Roundabout? A. ‘Where did it come from?’ B. ‘Can you drink it?’ C. ‘Are there any chocolate frogs?’

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