Scottish Daily Mail

Tartan brick road


INSTEAd of attacking the decisive No vote, shouldn’t the SNP be off eri ng humble apologies? Perhaps, hopefully, even a bit of silence.

If they really cared about the future of Scotland, they should be grateful for such a resounding No vote.

Here’s why: For the past two years, the Yes folk were eagerly supporting a load of bluster, bullying and hopeful thinking to herald in their great new Socialist Utopia.

This was t o be f unded on wildly deluded so- called calculatio­ns of oil wealth and phoney wind power.

Those of us without the Braveheart blinkers and with a wee bit of common sense were warning just how dangerous a path that would be to slither down, especially as businesses and banks would have fled.

Since September 18, the price of oil has fallen by more than 50 per cent and is still falling.

And some turbine speculator­s are making twice as much in subsidies as they do from creating wee bits of variable power.

To have followed the Tartan brick road fantasy as set out by Salmond, Sturgeon and Co would have left an independen­t Scotland a worse basket case than Greece or Albania.

And i n case they haven’t noticed, nature isn’t making crude oil any more. Youse wiz not robbed. Youse wiz simply wrong.

ANDREW SHIELLS, Newton Stewart, Wigtownshi­re.

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