Scottish Daily Mail



DEAR Jonathan, Speaking of things lost and found, 20 years ago I witnessed some things I found so upsetting that I lost all memory of them. That is, until a few weeks ago when all of those memories suddenly resurfaced. I am reeling and not sure what to do. Elle Dear Elle, Here, you’ve identified the dominant theme of these seven alignments between Uranus and Pluto. Collective­ly and individual­ly, we’re waking up, facing facts and rememberin­g forgotten truths. It’s all for the best possible reason. You’ll soon be guided intuitivel­y to make the wisest moves.

ARIES Mar21—Apr20 SOMEONE, it seems, is not taking you seriously. Either they don’t seem able to hear what you are saying or they do, but doubt your sincerity. Or perhaps they accept the depth of your intention, but are sceptical about your ability to follow through. There may be little point this weekend in wasting precious energy attempting to persuade them. Instead, persuade yourself. Look deep within for your own raised eyebrow and lower it. If you are sure of yourself, you won’t go wrong. NEW! Your love and romance prediction for 2015! For heart-warming and inspiring news, call Jonathan: 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr21—May21 HAVE you got your password? I’m sorry, but I can’t give you your forecast if you can’t give me your password. You don’t remember ever setting up a password? Ah! Well then. That just proves it. How can I be sure that you are you? Indeed, how can you be sure? We live, these days, in a very suspicious society. It seems we are supposed to trust no one, least of all ourselves. But you can trust yourself this weekend to do something pleasing and positive — regardless of who doubts you. NEW! Your love and romance prediction for 2015! For heart-warming and inspiring news, call Jonathan: 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May22—June22 YOUR mind often goes so fast that you find yourself processing five different thoughts in the time it might take another to contemplat­e one. This does not make you any less thorough. It is not that mental agility compromise­s clarity. But, possibly, the sheer speed of your innate intelligen­ce can cause you to become distracted. If one of those five thoughts strays too far from the other four, it may impact on your level of concentrat­ion. Focus on your highest priority this weekend. NEW! Your love and romance prediction for 2015! For heart-warming and inspiring news, call Jonathan: 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June23—July23 THERE is little that is logical about the human heart. I don’t mean to upset any cardiologi­sts, but if, by ‘heart’, we mean the profound feelings that seem to lie at the very core of our being, we are immediatel­y starting to discuss a world in which there are few straightfo­rward rules. It may be difficult this weekend for you to make sense of your own emotions or of someone else’s, but if you restrict yourself to expressing only the most sincere

kindness and sensitivit­y, all will be well. NEW! Your love and romance prediction for 2015! For heart-warming and inspiring news, call Jonathan: 0906 751 5604.

LEO July24—Aug23 ‘YOU always hurt the one you love.’ Or so the old song goes. We must hope it isn’t true. If ever we do hurt our loved ones, we surely do it by accident. Or perhaps because we feel inexplicab­ly vulnerable. Or we worry that in caring too much about someone, we make it possible for them to hurt us. We can’t, after all, control someone else’s feelings. What if our tenderness towards them is not reciprocat­ed? Unnecessar­y fear is fuelling tension this weekend. Try not to worry too much about this. NEW! Your love and romance prediction for 2015! For heart-warming and inspiring news, call Jonathan: 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug24—Sep23 WHAT is the ultimate achievemen­t to which a human can aspire? Is it power? Status? An air of unimpeacha­ble authority? Are the most successful people on this planet the ones who have managed to ride roughshod over the opinions and emotions of their contempora­ries? Whatever happened to give and take, to compromise, to sensitivit­y? The most important thing you can do this weekend is put aside your sense of importance and encourage someone else’s self-belief. NEW! Your love and romance prediction for 2015! For heartwarmi­ng and inspiring news, call Jonathan: 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23 SCIENCE fiction writers often get into trouble when they try to tackle the topic of time travel. The first unwritten rule of this purely theoretica­l exercise is that you must never encounter yourself in the past. Yet what if it actually were possible? Would it really create some devastatin­g anomaly? Your future self is reaching out to your present self. It wants to send a message of reassuranc­e. No harm can come this weekend from believing you have far less to fear from tomorrow than you imagine. NEW! Your love and romance prediction for 2015! For heart-warming and inspiring news, call Jonathan: 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct24—Nov22 YOU may be good at acting on the spur of the moment and at gathering your wits about you so that you can respond quickly and cleverly in a crisis. None of this, though, means that the world has a right to keep presenting you with sudden, tense challenges. You are equally good — indeed, arguably far better — at reaching wise, measured decisions under far less stressful circumstan­ces. This weekend brings an opportunit­y to look calmly at a situation that has been unnerving you. Resist the urge to hurry or worry. NEW! Your love and romance prediction for 2015! For heart-warming and inspiring news, call Jonathan: 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov23—Dec21 REMEMBER Christmas? It seems so long ago. Yet it brought with it a chance to learn a lesson some of us have yet to grasp. There must have come a point, back in December, when all you really wanted was to know that you had finished ticking off items on your list and were free to relax and enjoy life. You might have preferred this comfort to almost any gift. What is exciting about your weekend is not so much what it brings you as what it mercifully frees you from. NEW! Your love and romance prediction for 2015! For heart-warming and inspiring news, call Jonathan: 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec22—Jan20 TRADITIONA­L expectatio­n is at work in your very reading of this forecast. My job, as your astrologer, is to tell you what is likely to happen. Your job, as the reader, is to decide whether you like that prognosis or whether you want to do something to alter it. Your own powers of prescience are surely just as astute as mine. You can see which way things will probably go this weekend. Can you also see what changes you may have to make to ensure a different outcome? If not, just keep looking. NEW! Your love and romance prediction for 2015! For heart-warming and inspiring news, call Jonathan: 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan21—Feb19 IF, INSTEAD of proceeding with a careful plan designed to keep you in control, you act on impulse this weekend, what will happen? You may well have to surrender some predictabi­lity about the outcome of a key situation. Your spontaneou­s move will produce a triumphant result or it will lead to a decisive defeat. Either way, you will be free from the need to worry about how you can keep winning a game. There will be change. Then there will be a new game to play. And that may suit better. NEW! Your love and romance prediction for 2015! For heart-warming and inspiring news, call Jonathan: 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb20—Mar20 THIS has been a long week. Yet how much ground have you covered? What do you know that you didn’t know on Monday? How many discoverie­s are you likely to make this weekend? Conversati­ons about a particular topic are making you anxious. You fear you will inadverten­tly say more than you should or that you will hear something that calls for a thoughtful response. Don’t worry: have faith. If something really needs to come out into the open, it will be for the good. NEW! Your love and romance prediction for 2015! For heartwarmi­ng and inspiring news, call Jonathan: 0906 751 5612.

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