Scottish Daily Mail

Now Clegg runs scared of a real debate

- Andrew Pierce

AFTER his triumph in the leaders’ debates in the last General Election c a mpaign, Ni c k Clegg was furious at being excluded f r om t he TV question-and-answer session with Jeremy Paxman.

The Lib Dem leader repeatedly accused David Cameron of running scared from a three-way debate with him and Red Ed Miliband.

‘Come on, David Cameron, the broadcaste­rs have invited us, the public expect it, just say “Yes” and stop making excuses,’ said Clegg.

But away from the glare of the national media spotlight, Calamity Clegg is not so keen on a televised hustings as he would want you to think. In fact, he has been accused of ducking debates with candidates vying to oust him in his Sheffield Hallam constituen­cy.

His only question-and-answer session has come and gone. It was behind closed doors in a school, in front of a small invited audience. Other candidates were not invited. The public, also barred, could email questions in advance. The Sheffield Star newspaper, which organised it, was the only media permitted.

The Star billed it as an exclusive event. They were right, as Clegg is not appearing at any of the hustings taking place i n the constituen­cy. His office blames the pressure on his diary.

Joe Jenkins, the Ukip candidate challengin­g Clegg, says: ‘It is very telling when the leader of one of the main political parties is unwilling to participat­e in an open hustings within their own constituen­cy.

‘Clearly the ghost of student fees [Clegg pledged before the last election not to raise them, but voted to triple them when he was in power] still haunts him. Given the large student support in the constituen­cy, it’s clear he wishes to avoid this topic at all costs.’

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