Scottish Daily Mail

How to delay grey hair? Eat walnuts!

- By Beth Gibbons

AS WOMen, we’ll do anything to avoid a bad hair day. It’s predicted the average woman will spend £28,520 on hair products in her lifetime. But is it money down the drain? ‘ no amount of pricey shampoos can compensate for an unbalanced diet,’ says harley Street trichologi­st Sara Allison. ‘Many of my clients with thinning hair or problem scalps are deficient in key vitamins and minerals. The first thing I do is ask about their eating habits and take blood samples.’

Dr Jan Wadstein, one of the experts behind the national hair Aware Campaign, says: ‘hair requires a regular supply of protein, glucose, vitamins and minerals for health and growth. It’s usually the first place to suffer if there’s a deficiency.’ In other words, thinning, split ends, dullness and dandruff could all be signs your diet is lacking in key nutrients. rather than stockpile conditione­r, pile your plate with these follicle-friendly superfoods …

Walnuts to delay grey

WALnUTS are rich in body-boosting biotin, nourishing vitamin e and naturally moisturisi­ng omega oils. ‘They also contain trace amounts of copper,’ says hair expert Madeleine Preston. ‘This mineral plays a role in the production of melanin, the pigment that gives hair colour.’

A lack of copper is a common cause of hair going grey prematurel­y, so topping up your levels with a handful of walnuts could delay trips to the colourist.

Quinoa to boost body

LIMP, lifeless locks can be a sign you’re not eating enough protein. ‘hair is made up of around 90 per cent protein,’ says Allison.

Skipping breakfast can mean we struggle to get enough of this nutrient, while vegetarian­s can fall short. One solution? Quinoa.

‘This seed supplies all the amino acids the body needs, including lysine, a key ingredient in hair loss shampoos.’

Lentils for extra inches

LACk of iron is the most common cause of thinning and hair loss, according to Preston.

‘ If l evels are l ow, the hair becomes starved, the growth phase stops and shedding occurs.’ Lean red meat is the best source of iron; lentils are also good.

Eggs for more bounce

ThInk of eggs as edible hair masks, says Allison.

‘ They contain hair- boosting nutrients including protein, vitamin D and B vitamins. Biotin supports keratin production to increase hair’s elasticity and strength.’

So if your locks are prone to breakage, tuck into an omelette.

Oysters clear dandruff

IF YOU suffer with a dry scalp then a lack of zinc could be to blame. ‘What many women mistakenly believe is dandruff is a mineral deficiency,’ says Allison.

‘Zinc helps maintain the function of the oil- secreting glands that surround hair follicles, so low levels can lead to dryness.’

Oysters, crab and lobster are the richest sources, but pumpkin seeds also work.

Porridge for youth

hAIr becomes more brittle and dull as we get older, and one of the reasons for this is falling silica levels. This mineral is important for helping to maintain hormonal balance.

Oats are a wonderful source of silica, so why not eat a bowl of porridge each morning?

Peppers for split ends

VITAMIn C protects hair from free radical damage. ‘It’s important for sebum and collagen production,’ says Allison. ‘Dry hair and split ends are signs you’re not getting enough vitamin C.’

red peppers are a richest source; oranges, strawberri­es, tomatoes and broccoli contain it, too.

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