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Hot on the heels of the solar eclipse comes a lunar eclipse at the end of this week. Eclipses always come in pairs. Mystics believe that’s significan­t. they say a ‘portal of possibilit­y’ opens with the first in the sequence and closes with the second. once again, it doesn’t matter where you are or whether you witness the celestial phenomenon. All astrologic­al signs are affected in one way or another. In each of our lives, somehow, there’s a window of opportunit­y. It opened just over a week ago and there’s still time to make the most of a chance.


Mar 21 — Apr 20

WE ARE edging towards a lunar eclipse in your opposite sign. Mercury, meanwhile, is hurtling through Aries. All this speaks of you striving to accomplish something demanding, some might say impossible. You are up against the clock, as well as someone who fails to understand the importance of an agreement. Either they aren’t taking it seriously or they are, but can’t do what’s needed. Despite this week’s twists and turns, all will work out the way you need it to. Please keep reading. Your in-depth, NEW April forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Dial 0906 751 5601.


Apr 21 — May 21

TAUREANS are often described as being slow, but steady. Astrologer­s are quick to point out that your determined personalit­y can cause others to see you as stubborn. And your other key characteri­stic is a kind of careful caution that can be easily misinterpr­eted as pedantic. Yet there is much more fire in your belly than many people realise and, when you are keen enough to make something happen, you can move mountains. This week, you become the tortoise that beats the hare. Even if you don’t usually call your in-depth phone forecast, you should hear the excellent news in your NEW April prediction on 0906 751 5602.


May 22 — June 22

YOU appear to be caught in a trap. The ground is way above you and the hole seems very deep. How have you fallen into this? Er . . . actually, that item you are holding looks suspicious­ly like a spade. This may, of course, be entirely irrelevant, but do you think that perhaps you should stop digging? If you are willing to grant yourself freedom and give yourself hope, the world, when it looks at you, will swiftly follow your good example. Nothing has to be difficult this week. April is the month you’ve been waiting for. Get the good news and learn what to guard against in your NEW four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5603.


June 23 — July 23

REMEMBER Ironside, the wheelchair-bound TV detective from the Sixties? Or House, the brilliant medical consultant with a damaged leg, from the more recent TV series? Were their very disabiliti­es a part of what made them so smart and special? That’s an academic question we can’t possibly hope to answer. But have there not been times when you have begun to wonder whether an impediment is actually an advantage? You’ve become used to dealing with a difficulty. This week, you will overcome it. Please keep reading. I’ve taken a good look at your forecast for April and have great things to tell you. For inspiratio­n, call 0906 751 5604.


July 24 — Aug 23

THEY say that if you seek success, it isn’t what you know that makes a difference, but who you know. Actually, even if it all does come down to who you know, much also depends on what you know about who you know! You may, for example, know the person who could help you most, but if you don’t know that they are in a position to be of assistance, you might not let them know what it is that you require. So, how can they help you, then? This week, all the right connection­s begin to be made. Seize your chance to understand what’s happening in your horoscope and discover how to assure success in April. Call 0906 751 5605.


Aug 24 — Sep 23

WE LIKE being liked. And we dislike being disliked. Though some of us can be a little perverse. We can look with suspicion on our would-be friends and take a strange pleasure in attracting antipathy. I mention this only because it may be worth checking on why you feel as you do about a particular situation. Are your reactions reasonable? Or are they reasonably unreasonab­le? If, in your world, there are some inexplicab­le emotions, this week’s events should help you make sense of them. I’ve got lots to tell you about April — and you’re going to like it. Do yourself a favour. Call your NEW, inspiratio­n-packed forecast on 0906 751 5606.


Sep 24 — Oct 23

WE DON’T always know why we feel what we feel. Sometimes, we have a reaction to someone or something and can’t explain what triggered this. As we don’t like being left without something to say, we start inventing reasons for our emotions. Our heads try to justify our hearts. It is always preferable when these two disparate forces start pulling as a team. This week leads us to an eclipse in your sign. Just check you are not starting to believe something that can hardly be true. Please keep reading. Your in-depth, NEW April forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Dial 0906 751 5607.


Oct 24 — Nov 22

HOW do you know you are really reading this forecast? You could just be making the whole thing up in your mind. This page you are looking at? It is actually an advertisem­ent for Sudso, the wonder washing-up liquid. But are you projecting such a strong desire for astrologic­al informatio­n as to force it to take on a new identity? Well, no, not really. Or, at least, not as far as I know. But it may well be worth taking some steps to guard against the tendency to see only what you want to see this week. Even if you don’t usually call your in-depth phone forecast, you should hear the excellent news in your NEW April prediction. 0906 751 5608.


Nov 23 — Dec 21

HERE you are, at the cutting edge, on the front line, in the thick of it. Everything rests on your shoulders. Or that’s how it feels. It also feels as if the universe has made a bit of a mistake in giving you all this responsibi­lity. Confident though you can be, you are unsure of yourself in a sensitive situation. So here is some good news. You don’t have to save the week single-handedly. Others have power — and they are about to use it in a way that benefits everyone, even you. April is the month you’ve been waiting for. Get the good news and learn what to guard against in your NEW four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5609.


Dec 22 — Jan 20

SPECTATOR sports are easy to participat­e in. We think ourselves into the role of a player. When the ball goes into the net, we don’t just cheer, we pat ourselves on the back. Yet, when a pass is fumbled, we tend not to relate quite so closely to the person on the field. It is not our loss; it is theirs. We feel sure that if we had been in their place we would never have missed that chance. Others can say what they want about what you are doing, but only you know the reality. Trust your judgment this week. Please keep reading. I’ve taken a good look at your forecast for April and I have great things to tell you. For inspiratio­n, call 0906 751 5610.


Jan 21 — Feb 19

WHEN you’re right, it’s not necessary to argue, with yourself or anyone else. You simply act with confidence and wait, with patience, for those who disagree with you to come round to your point of view. Then you can resist the urge to say ‘I told you so’, and just be glad they saw sense. Don’t resent that what’s obvious to you is impenetrab­le to another. And don’t be upset by what appears to be arrogant behaviour. Just enjoy the sense of quiet vindicatio­n when it comes later this week. Seize your chance to understand what’s happening in your horoscope and discover how to assure success in April. Call 0906 751 5611.


Feb 20 — Mar 20

THE best deals are always those where everyone comes out a winner. We all know this, but it’s tempting to forget it, especially when we can see a quick and convenient way to improve our own outlook at someone else’s expense. You could, in theory, benefit from another’s misfortune. To do this, all you would need to do is keep quiet. Someone else might well be tempted. You’re made of better stuff. You know you’ve got to do the right thing this week. Then the naturally right result will come from this. I’ve got lots to tell you about April — and you’re going to like it. Do yourself a favour. Call your NEW, inspiratio­n-packed forecast: 0906 751 5612.

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