Scottish Daily Mail

Manifesto’s nothing but an SNP con trick


IT all sounded so soothing, so reasonable, delivered by an SNP leader whose style is as unctuous as her predecesso­r’s was combative.

Instead of the belligeren­t f i st of Scottish Nationalis­m, Nicola Sturgeon said she was instead extending the ‘hand of friendship’ over the Border.

But the stark truth is that the entire SNP manifesto delivered yesterday is a con trick.

Set aside for a moment that much of it is utterly ludicrous.

A section where the party takes credit for creating jobs and cutting unemployme­nt by dint of free prescripti­ons and a council-tax freeze ought to send shivers down the spines of every hard-working family in this country.

This is the Nationalis­ts shamelessl­y claiming credit for the benefits of the strong austerity medicine we have all been forced to swallow in the years since the global crash – the very austerity measures the Nationalis­ts want to end in a blizzard of tax, borrow and spend. Talk about financial illiteracy.

No, the manifesto i s duplicitou­s because it disguises one fundamenta­l fact. The SNP exists for a single reason: To break up Britain.

All its talk is of progressiv­e policies, thick with the moral superiorit­y the Left love to parade.

But having been roundly defeated in September’s independen­ce referendum, the agenda now is to get as many SNP MPs as possible in to the very heart of a Union which the Nationalis­ts so despise. The ultimate aim i s nothing l ess than achieving independen­ce via the back door. Nothing the mercenary cohort of Nationalis­ts do there will be for the good governance of Britain.

Instead, all their actions will be weighed against their narrow separatist agenda.

Mr Miliband will quickly find the SNP hand of friendship has a vice-like grip.

Hence their manifesto’s pledge to press for wildly reckless spending, pushing Mr Miliband even further to the Left and adding up to £140billion to debts that would hang like a millstone around the necks of today’s taxpayers, their children and grandchild­ren. As former prime minister Sir John Major will warn today, a Miliband-led government after May 7 would be subjected to a ‘ daily dose of political blackmail’, with the SNP able to bring it down at any moment. Voters south of the Border would quickly bridle at a party they could not vote for making the political weather.

Meanwhile, the separatist­s here will seize on any resistance from Labour as proof that the Scots and the English are irreconcil­ably different.

Nicola Sturgeon said yesterday that this General Election was not about independen­ce. There were gales of laughter from her party faithful. They know that it is emphatical­ly about independen­ce because everything the SNP do is, in the final reckoning, designed to advance that cause.

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