Scottish Daily Mail

How to stop your pocket being picked

. . . by a man who can pinch your wallet, watch and even your tie without you noticing

- By Harry Mount

No wonder James Freedman’s super-nimble hands are insured for a huge sum — for the fingers he uses to steal wallets are the tools of his trade. ‘You can pinch anything off anyone — apart from their shoes!’ he says.

now he’s exhibiting his ‘skills’ on stage in a one-man pickpocket show, called Man of Steal, i n which he even takes off someone’s tie without them realising.

For years he’s been giving pickpocket demonstrat­ions to teach people how not to become victims of street crime. He has also advised the Metropolit­an Police and taught the ‘art’ to actors — showing the boy who played the Artful dodger in roman Polanski’s film oliver Twist how to pick a pocket or two.

Freedman, 49, describes himself as ‘the only honest pickpocket you will ever meet’. So I ask him to show me how those crooks we all fear go about their surreptiti­ous trade.

First, he says, they ‘fan the mark’. The ‘mark’ is the victim. So ‘fanning’ is using your hand with the fingers spread out to feel for valuables, usually using the back of the hand.

‘It’s a light, fluttering motion and, if executed correctly, the victim isn’t aware of it,’ says Freedman.

next — and this is vitally important — distract your victim: pat them on the shoulder with one hand as you ask the time and use your other hand to lift their wallet. or just look into their eyes, so their peripheral vision doesn’t see your hand darting into their pocket.

or — a much more simple ruse — ‘accidental­ly’ bump into them.

‘A classic trick is to pretend you are helping them. For example, carry a sachet of mayonnaise or ketchup, put a pin in it and squirt it at someone from a distance. Go up to them and start cleaning up their jacket. while you’re doing it, pick their pocket.’

To describe hi s activities, Freedman uses ol d- f ashioned pickpocket patter, much of which dates back to 18th-century thieves. ‘Poke’ is slang for a wallet. ‘Skinning the poke’ means stealing one, taking out the money and throwing away the empty wallet.

The easiest target is one who has their wallet (or phone) in the most vulnerable place: the back trouser pocket. Freedman uses two fingers in a pincer-like movement to steal it.

His favourite ploy is to strike as the victim walks away from him — because they are less likely to feel a hand in their pocket while they are moving.

Freedman shows how to remove a pair of expensive sunglasses hanging from a jacket breast pocket by flicking them out and catching them with a folded newspaper.

when he does it to me, I don’t feel a thing. crucially, he ensures he doesn’t ‘tip the bit’ — that is, draw attention to the pickpocket­ing action. He thought he’d tipped the bit when he stole the pen from my pocket and it made a clicking noise. needless to say, I didn’t notice.

not surprising­ly, the most difficult target is a watch. I challenge him to remove mine without me noticing. It is tightly held on my wrist with a leather strap. It isn’t j ust buckled, but i t also goes through a tight retaining loop.

Fixing my gaze, Freedman puts his hand lightly on top of my watch, unbuckles it and whisks it away. I don’t feel anything in the entire operation and don’t look down because our eyes are firmly locked. More oddly, I don’t notice the watch’s absence once removed.

‘People have a muscle memory,’ says Freedman. ‘They don’t notice if something’s gone, however heavy it is, whether it’s a handkerchi­ef — or your notebook.’

with that, he hands me back my hefty notebook, which I thought had been securely tucked inside my breast pocket. Somehow, he’d removed it. For all his skill as a pickpocket, Freedman says he has never used it for anything other for entertainm­ent. ‘I never steal.’

However, he admits one exception: he once saw a woman being pickpocket­ed outside Harrods, decided to pickpocket the pickpocket and gave the purse back to the victim.

Proudly, Freedman says the smartly dressed thief — who realised tool ate what had happened — went up to him afterwards and said: ‘nice work.’

Freedman first became interested in pickpocket­ing as a child when he was mugged. ‘They took my pocket money and beat me up,’ he says.

not long after, he saw a theatrical pickpocket on TV — and then saw his father being pickpocket­ed on a trip to Paris. He now uses his skills to expose quite how vulnerable we all are to the growing number of pickpocket­s on our streets.

Apparently, Prague and barcelona are the most dangerous places for pickpocket­s in europe; London is listed tenth.

AS we walk down London’s ox ford Street, he points out some easy prey: a woman sitting on a bench with an open bag next to her and a man with an unzipped pocket, a phone clearly visible inside it.

He can identify the model of a phone by the shape of the bulge in your pocket. ‘Samsung . . . iPhone . . . iPhone,’ he says as we pass people whose phones, inside their pockets, are invisible to me.

once, pickpocket­s concentrat­ed on loose change and handkerchi­efs, but now mobile phones account for half of pickpocket­ing crimes.

Freedman says: ‘ If I stopped everyone and told them how vulnerable they are, I’d never have any time left to do anything else.’

Mobile phones are the perfect item for pickpocket­s — ‘It’s called Apple or blackberry picking’ — but the informatio­n about the owner contained on the Sim card is more useful to the thief than the phone’s intrinsic value because it contains a wealth of personal informatio­n and possibly even bank details.

These days, with clever software, criminals don’t even have to steal the phone. They can ‘ skim’ it — place their own phone over it and copy all your data.

Pickpocket­s carefully look for the moment you use your phone. They’ll watch to see which pocket you put it back in — and pounce.

Ironically, a favourite spot is near s i gns t hat s ay: ‘ beware of Pickpocket­s.’ According to Freedman: ‘when we see such signs, we instinctiv­ely pat our pockets to check our valuables are oK. And the pickpocket is watching to see where the item is kept.’

After spending time with this cunning man, I can’t help keep patting my pockets obsessivel­y as I walk along the street. I hope a real pickpocket — rather than a master showman — isn’t watching me.

MAN Of Steal is at the Menier Chocolate Factory, London SE1 1RU, until April 27.

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 ??  ?? The watch: Freedman removes HarryHarry Mount’sMount’s timepiece
The watch: Freedman removes HarryHarry Mount’sMount’s timepiece
 ??  ?? The wallet: Harry is now minus his cash and credit cards
The wallet: Harry is now minus his cash and credit cards
 ??  ?? The phone: Daylight robbery and he hasn’t felt a thing
The phone: Daylight robbery and he hasn’t felt a thing

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