Scottish Daily Mail

Nasty case of hypocrisy


THE sheer arrogance and hypocrisy of Nicola Sturgeon and her Scottish Nasty Party is breathtaki­ng. While they are telling voters in Scotland that Labour are rubbish, they know there is no point in an SNP landslide in Scotland if Labour does badly across the rest of the UK.

Hence we have Miss Sturgeon and her party mounting a charm offensive to convince English voters not to fear the SNP propping up a minority Labour government, because the SNP has the best interests of people across the whole UK at heart. What utter codswallop!

Despite Westminste­r MPs being denied any say over devolved health and education policy in Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon says she and her prospectiv­e gang of Nationalis­t MPs will shape policy and make decisions only affecting England.

This from a woman who has been telling everyone that decisions affecting Scotland are best made by the people who live and work in Scotland, but who obviously thinks that doesn’t apply to other parts of the UK.

The SNP also wants Scotland to have full fiscal autonomy, a policy rejected in the referendum.

The SNP will argue that Scotland is independen­t in all but name and so, by means of a shabby backdoor agreement with Ed Miliband, will overturn the democratic­ally expressed and settled will of the Scottish people.

What an affront to democracy — but we know democracy is not an SNP strong point, as shown by Alex Salmond’s statement after the referendum that there were other ways of achieving independen­ce.

A Wyllie, largs, Ayrshire I WAS hoping for a forensic interrogat­ion of Nicola Sturgeon by Andrew Marr in his programme on Sunday so viewers across the UK could see the real face and lack of economic awareness of the SNP.

What I saw was a soft line of questionin­g and Nicola Sturgeon being allowed to talk at length without interrupti­on and without any real contentiou­s issues being raised.

Contrast that with the way in which David Cameron was treated. He was constantly interrupte­d and subjected to a wholly irrelevant ‘Is it true your favourite sport is fox hunting?’

This shabby attempt to introduce a note of class envy to the debate demeaned Mr Marr.

d Lewis, Gifford, east lothian

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