Scottish Daily Mail

If people forget, it will happen again

As Hounslow flash trader appears in court, Wall St guru warns...

- By Dan Hardie

THE ‘flash trading’ scandal is a result of the ‘culture of greed’ on Wall Street, says the author who uncovered the story. And Michael Lewis says there will be more scandals unless there is ‘fundamenta­l change’ in the way bankers are rewarded.

Lewis is no academic economist. He was a successful trader on Wall Street and in the City before he wrote ‘Liar’s Poker’ in 1989 – the classic insider’s account of the 80s boom.

In his latest book, ‘Flash Boys’, Lewis tells how American companies used incredibly fast electronic trading platforms.

He says they routinely engaged in ‘predatory’ trading, using their speed to take advantage of most buyers and sellers of shares.

And he says they hid their activities behind technical terms that baffled even most insiders. The US financial regulators seem to be listening. After ‘Flash Boys’ was published in March 2014, the FBI announced an investigat­ion into flash trading.

Now a Briton, Navinder Singh Sarao, has become the first man arrested in connection with the ‘flash trading’ investigat­ions.

Lewis’s most famous book is ‘Moneyball’, the story of how a coach at an underdog baseball team in the US beats the richer clubs. It became a film starring Brad Pitt as coach Billy Beane. Beane’s weapon was the data about how players actually won games. And Lewis tells much the same story about how an outsider took on the big ‘high-frequency trading’ – or flash-trading – firms in Wall Street.

‘After the financial crisis in 2008, no one could explain to me how trading worked. But people kept saying “You need to speak to this guy – this Canadian guy”,’ Lewis says.

Brad Katsuyama was a Japanese-Canadian in his late thirties with an almost boyish face.

He joined the Royal Bank of Canada, or RBC, after university and arrived in Wall Street aged 24. Aggressive American bankers laughed at the culture of ‘RBC nice’.

Katsuyama successful­ly rose up the career ladder as a trader for RBC. But when the Canadian bank started electronic trading in 2006, strange things began to happen.

Every time one of his traders bid for shares, the price would instantly rise. It was as if someone was out-bidding him in the blink of an eye. Electronic trading should have made buying shares simpler, quicker – and fairer. And in the early 2000s, says Lewis, it had done.

But by 2006, things had changed. Katsuyama looked for people who understood parts of the puzzle. There was an ever-growing number of American stock exchanges, all linked by electronic trading networks.

Regulation­s meant that a bid for shares on one exchange was notified to all of them before the bidder took what was supposed to be the lowest price.

Notifying all the exchanges and calculatin­g the lowest national price took only twenty-five millisecon­ds between one third and one quarter of the time it takes to blink an eye.

Most buyers and sellers of shares assumed that such a tiny pause didn’t matter. But high-frequency traders knew better.

They spent milllions of dollars on technology that would shave thousandth­s of a second – millisecon­ds – off their trading time.

That meant they could see a bid for a share, jump in to buy it, then re-sell it for a higher price to the original bidder: all in far less time than it takes to twitch a tiny muscle.

AS Lewis tells it, Katsuyama was a geeky version of Yul Brynner in ‘The Magnificen­t Seven’, putting together a posse of loners to take on the marauders. A politely spoken Canadian computer programmer, a plainspoke­n Irish telecoms expert and a bullet-headed New York fireman’s son came on board. They were joined by a Chinese computer programmer and a team of prize-winning puzzle specialist­s.

At first, Katsuyama’s team developed software to deprive the flash traders of their unfair advantage. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t.

The RBC team were now world experts on flash trading. They could have made a fortune if they had become flash traders themselves.

Instead they decided to try to end the game. In October 2013, Katsuyama and his team set up the Investors’ Exchange or IEX. Their idea was to offer all buyers and sellers of shares a fair playing field.

If the exchange succeeded, they would make money – but less than they might have made from flash trading. ‘If he was English, or especially American, he’d have made money from it,’ laughs Lewis. ‘ But these guys were Canadian. They weren’t fundamenta­lly motivated by money.

‘You have to fundamenta­lly change the incentives,’ says Lewis.

Banks with deposits guaranteed by the government­s should not be allowed to play in the markets, he adds. ‘If people want to do that, they should form partnershi­ps. That way, if their bets fail, they know it’s their house that gets repossesse­d.’

And he hates the idea of some financial firms being ‘too big to fail’.

‘It’s crazy to me. It means the financial elite are playing by different rules.’

Lewis says young men in the financial markets should be paid ‘in stock that only matures when they are sixty. If the deals go wrong, they don’t get rich.’ He laughs, but he may well be serious.

So does Lewis think any of these changes will happen? ‘Not without another crisis. If the political will wasn’t there in 2008, it’s not there now.’

One reason there hasn’t been more radical reform, he says, is that the central banks have done a much better job of limiting the damage after 2008 than they did in the 1930s. ‘If they hadn’t, there’d have been revolution in the streets. And then there’d have been more banking reform. But,’ he laughs again, ‘it would have been a helluva price to pay.’

Lewis says that in many ways, the British have reacted best to the financial crisis. ‘Y’all came closest to the right response,’ he drawls in his New Orleans accent. ‘Your Bank of England has been so good at watching the financial markets.’

Lewis adds he wishes that there were a dozen people like Bank of England Deputy governor Andrew Bailey working for the American regulators. And he thinks public attitudes are good too.

But Lewis is much more wary of European banks.

‘government and the banking class seem even more intertwine­d there than in the US. In France, germany, Spain and Italy, they seem like one class.’

Lewis has just sold an idea for a TV series to the US cable channel Showtime. If it gets made, the show will be set on Wall Street after the crash of 1929. Does he think there will be another crash like 1929 or 2008?

‘In the short run, there won’t be, because the rest of society is so suspicious of the financial sector now. But sooner or later, people will forget.’ Flash Boys by Michael Lewis is

published by Penguin, £9.99.

 ??  ?? Outspoken: Lewis wishes there were several like the Bank’s Deputy Governor Andrew Bailey working for US regulators
Outspoken: Lewis wishes there were several like the Bank’s Deputy Governor Andrew Bailey working for US regulators

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