Scottish Daily Mail

Should chimps be granted human rights?


SIMON BARNES’S assertion that ‘chimps are almost more human than we are’ (Mail) perpetuate­s some common myths and raises some interestin­g questions. First of all, it’s misleading to claim chimps and humans ‘have nearly 99 per cent of our genetic material in common’. A 2007 Science magazine article entitled Relative Difference­s: The Myth Of One Per Cent says a 95 per cent similarity was a more accurate figure. And this doesn’t mean we’re 95 per cent ape, any more than the fact that we share 67 per cent of our genes with cabbages means we are 67 per cent cabbage. As for granting human rights to chimpanzee­s, where will this end? Do we give them the vote and grant them pension rights?

Geoff Chapman, west camel, somerset. IF ‘HUMAN’ rights are to be extended to chimps, what about elephants and dogs? But we humans aren’t closely related to dogs or elephants, or — as I learned just a few weeks ago — chimps either. That 1 per cent of genetic material effectivel­y removes any idea of chimps being our closest neighbours.

Basil oZcoAtes, stroud, glos. I ADMIRE the energy of animal rights activists who persuaded the U.S. courts that the imprisonme­nt of animals such as chimpanzee­s is wrong. In an ideal world, we would be able to protect animals through legislatio­n, but because of vested interests and potential vast profits, it’s difficult. Before anyone criticises the idea of animal having rights, they should ask why campaigner­s still need to take action in our supposedly enlightene­d society.

mr t. dunn, Birmingham. THE informatio­n is everywhere: we don’t need meat. I’m a vegan — to my mind its the only healthy and humane way to live. I recently heard Joyce D’Silva, of Compassion In World Farming, talk of the need for an overhaul in the way we’re rearing and killing animals on a massive scale and polluting the environmen­t. Let’s not eat our cousins. After all, chimps are almost more human than we are.

Stella smith, Aldershot, hants.

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