Scottish Daily Mail

Still red hot, but there’s a little less of Helen

- By Sam Creighton Showbusine­ss Reporter

STEPPING out on to the red carpet, Dame Helen Mirren proved what a difference only a few months can make.

The 69-year-old actress showed off a noticeably slimmer figure in New York on Monday evening – a striking contrast to how she looked at the Golden Globes in January.

The self-confessed ‘yo-yo dieter’ unveiled her physique in a fitted red dress at the Met fashion ball with husband Taylor Hackford, 70, at her side.

But onlookers could not help but notice that she was looking much more slender, particular­ly around her face.

Speaking previously about her weight, the Oscar-winning actress said she fluctuates by 10lbs. But rather than spending hours in the gym, she said she only works out for 12 minutes a day.

Dame Helen follows an exercise plan created by a doctor in the 1950s for the

‘I have about 10lb that seems to come and go’

Royal Canadian Air Force. It was designed to keep servicemen and women fit without the need for a gym.

The regime is made up of five exercises and the target is to complete as many exercises as possible within 12 minutes. Dame Helen said she returns to the plan whenever her fitness slips.

She has also admitted that she is usually on some sort of diet, saying: ‘Some actresses are always on diets and I am no different as you feel you have to be.

‘I have about 10lb that seems to come and go and that’s been the way for as long as I can remember.’

But she added: ‘Maybe I should do something about them – finally say goodbye to them.

‘Giving up those two spoonfuls of sugar in my coffee might help. However food is surely something to be celebrated, something to be enjoyed.’

 ?? ?? Lady in Red: Helen Mirren at the Golden Globes
Lady in Red: Helen Mirren at the Golden Globes JANUARY
 ?? ?? Noticeably thinner: On the Met Ball red carpet
Noticeably thinner: On the Met Ball red carpet MONDAY

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